There are LOCAL races you know?

Who is actually going to the polls tomorrow, for something other then preidency?

These local races will probably have a greater impact on YOUR daily life. Everyone seems to gloss right over that little concern.

I can’t decide which criminal to vote for locally.

I dont think there are any standouts in the races for congress or state senate

really? oy.


Mesi and Kryzan. Unfortunately I think Alice will lose thanks to all the rich Willville/Clarence vote and the fact that she’s a bit of a hippie lawyer, but Baby Joe has a good shot.

A hippie defending Love Canal?lol (more like lesbo(not that there is anything wrong with that.)lol)
Why are they saying Joe will send money down state?
What are they basing that on?

All of these people just seem bad based on the ads.

Mesi is a piece of shit

i keep getting bashing-joe letters and signs in my mail. they are pretty funny to read

Probably because Golisano helped his campaign so much and because the republicans are paranoid of losing the state senate. I guess Rochester = downstate to them? But I strongly disagree with ANY of the Erie County Legislature, from either party, getting a promotion to the state level.

edit - is it me or does joe always have a “runny” nose when hes guest bartending.


ah yes. the mesi coke joke. Never heard one of those before.

Yeah, hold Ranzenhofer’s seat on the Erie County Legislature against him. Just ignore the fact that he and Barry Weinstein were the only two voices of reason during the budget crisis. The fact that they were greatly outnumbered by idiot Democrats like Marinelli and Holt is what caused the problems with the county budget.

Ranzenhofer is leading 47-42, after trailing by 2 in the last poll, so the momentum is clearly on his side.

Lee was up double digits on Kryzan and she just lost her bid to get her name added to the working party line in addition to the Democrat line so I’d say that one is over.

Delano’s “go fuck yourself” platform of not doing endorsements, interviews, or even debates has caused him to lose the lead he had on 27 year incumbent Bill Stachowski.

Hopefully both Mesi and Delano both lose forcing both parties to start looking for experienced candidates like Collins when looking for political outsiders. I like the idea of political outsiders, but not when your non-political experience has given you zero preparation for the job you’re trying to be elected to.

Voice of reason? The 2 of them sat there through the whole process and did nothing while the county executive of their party burned Rome.

What exactly could they do? The republican’s introduced several budget resolutions to help deal with the crisis, but they never made it out of committee because they were the minority party. That’s how politics works, or I should say doesn’t work, in broken NY.

And I’m sorry, lifetime Democrat Giambra who only became a Republican when he lost the Democrat’s nomination is not a Republican. I will fault my party for ever nominating him, but his platform of regionalism that he originally ran on was a great idea.

His platform of cutting taxes AND increasing spending was very George W. Bush-style Republican though.

Native American

Even the Buffalo News, who will bend over backwards to support a Democrat, is endorsing Ranzenhofer.

From the Buffalo News, 10/29…

61st District: Michael H. Ranzenhofer. Erie County Legislator Michael H. Ranzenhofer is the easy endorsement in this race to succeed the retiring Mary Lou Rath. Republican Ranzenhofer is well informed about the issues and understands the challenges facing residents of the nation’s highest-taxed state.

The Democrat in this race is boxer-turned-politician Joe Mesi, an instantly likable man who, despite his best efforts and good coaching, is out of his element at this point in his political development.

Not to mention he is a complete tool, me and wife meet him and my urge to get a bat and beat him senseless was pegging in high.

What is sad… I have no clue about my local City of Tonawanda politics. :frowning:

Word. He was annoying as hell the time we met him at Amherst Ale House.
My garbage man has more govermental experience than he does.