'09 Election....

searched didnt see anything, election day is tomorrow…

thoughts? i kinda forgot it was coming up…i usually vote…i didnt pay too much attention to anything this year and am not going to if i dont know anything…


Sorry buddy, you’re a year too late. :slight_smile: jk

Off year elections are meh…There are some county and local positions, and a special election in the Watertown area for Congress, but that’s about it.
The special election is actually kind of interesting. The Republican candidate got absolutely hammered for not being conservative enough, by a bunch of far-right-wing whackjobs endorsing the Conservative party candidate, and she just dropped out. Ended up endorsing the Democrat.

thats kind of interesting

Amherst finally has a chance to get rid of Dan Ward on the town board. I don’t agree with his vote against the development for the old gun range site, but that’s democracy. What I think he should be run out of town for is the fact that after he was on the losing side of that vote he joined the lawsuit to stop the development. Because he’s on the town board that means the town can’t use it’s own legal council in the lawsuit and the taxpayers are now picking up the tab for hiring outside council t defend the town. There was no reason Dan Ward needed to join that lawsuit other than being a petty asshole who wanted to punish the town for not agreeing with his vote.

The Amherst Town Board is the biggest political clusterfuck I’ve ever seen. Ward did piss me off with that little stunt but the Republicans run too much shit in this town, so I am undecided.

You really have a lot of hate inside Joe, lol.

The Republican candidate had a more liberal voting record than the Democrat! Underscored by the fact she endorsed the Democrat after bowing-out. It’s not a “whackjob” idea to choose a candidate based on principles and voting record instead of their party affiliation, it just doesn’t happen very often. And that’s what makes this race interesting.

If the tables were turned, and liberals opposed a Democrat who was even more conservative than the Republican, I don’t think you would call them “whackjobs” :wink:

This Hoffman guy has all of the makings of a tea-party style nutjob though. I mean, the guy drives around with a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on his car with McCain cut off, and he’s getting support from the Huckabees and Palins, with even people like Newt Gingrich saying he’s too conservative.
Scozzafava isn’t that liberal. Her views were more suited to a district in New York. If the Republicans are really going to jump all over anyone who’s pro-choice and pro-labor they are in trouble.

I want to know what the hell happened over at the Buffalo News.

Endorsements for 8 Republicans on the county legislature and only 2 Democrats.
Endorsement for Weinstein in Amherst for town supervisor over that hack Krysan.
Endorsement for Philip Kadet for comptroller.

I mean, yeah, the endorsed a Democrat for county sheriff but even a dark red Republican like myself would have a hard time voting to Howard with the holding center issues.

What did the Democrats do to piss of the paper that always endorsed them? This is the same paper that endorsed Keane over Collins when Keane was one of the weakest candidates WNY has ever seen.

I can’t believe they endorsed Chris Collins’ handpicked yes-man for comptroller over an incumbent who’s doing a good job, for the position that basically acts as a watchdog over him. Electing him would be another Nancy Naples/Joel Giambra.

Well, the problem is it’s the comptrollers job to provide independent analysis of the budget. You know, cold hard numbers. Poloncarz is far too political. It does bother me that Collin picked Kadet though, but at least Kadet has a real accounting resume unlike Poloncarz who isn’t even a CPA.

We have to either pick a guy who is going to do whatever Collins says, or a guy who is going to do the exact opposite of what he says, for a position that’s supposed to be independent :lol: Oh, politics.


Putting aside who I’m voting for, my predictions:

  • Weinstein for Amherst Supervisor. Krysan wants to use Amherst as a stepping stone and after on the job training Mohan Amherst isn’t ready to elect another supervisor who doesn’t know anything about politics.
  • Dan Ward will find a way to scrape together enough votes to continue leaching off Amherst taxpayers while he plans all the other offices he wants to run for. Probably with a little backroom help from his brother, election commissioner Dennis Ward. I wonder how many dead people will end up voting Dan Ward tomorrow? Dennis may be too busy trying to save his wife Michele after she banned two black guys from going to door to door for her since she thinks the darkies will scare away her voters.
  • Who ever is running against Howard for Sheriff. The whole, “I don’t have time for the government inspectors but Keanu Reaves can have a tour” thing is going to cost him big.
  • Kevin Hardwick for district 10. Name recognition and the fact that WNY has turned to him for so long for political explanations. The News endorsement should put him over the top.
  • Loughran will keep his seat because people were disgusted with Schratz on the town board and certainly don’t want her moving up.
  • Marinelli will keep her seat simply because the Town of Tonawanda is brain damaged from all that benzene Tonawanda Coke has been pumping into the air. Honestly, that’s the only way I can explain them continuing to vote for such a bitch.
  • Reynolds/Dixon is a tossup. Probably will be decided on how Hamburg feels about Chris Collins. Only in WNY could voters so overwhelmingly elect Collins on the “run government like a business” then elect a legislature that has 12 Democrats on 2 Republicans. “Go run this race Chris, but just so you know, you have to start the race inside the 12x2 cell made of 3 foot thick concrete”.

I admittedly have been slacking on the local races. I like Loughran over Schratz since she was incompetent on the town board, which actually doesn’t qualify her for a promotion. (That only happens in a corporate environment) I think it’s funny that that race is basically a battle of two restaurants, Loughran’s vs. Bing’s. Weinstein will probably win for supervisor since Amherst is a Republican town, and most of the Republican vote is old people that are more likely to vote in an off year. Ward, who knows.

  • From a national level, McDonnell is going to win VA-GOV in a landslide. Dems chances to win there went out the window when they chose Deeds over Terry McAuliffe in a primary, and VA always votes the party opposite the President’s for governor.
  • I think Corzine holds on in NJ-GOV. Christie started way ahead there, and has been free falling ever since. Polls show them even, but I like the incumbent with more money for getting out the vote.
  • NY-23 is too close to call. Republican district but Owens was going to win it due to the fracture of the moderate Republican vote to Scozzafava and the teabaggers going for Hoffman. Now that she dropped out logic says they’d move over and put Hoffman over the top, but she endorsed Owens. Should be interesting.

I’ll go out on a limb here and say NY-23 to Hoffman. That’s rural NY near where I grew up and if they go Owens it would shock me. People up there really don’t like Obama sticking his nose in their local race.

NJ… I really don’t give a shit, nor should any of us. The fact that these governor races are watched so closely nationally proves just how partisan our country is.

The real issue in this election for us…For everyone outside the city, the old brick shithouse voting machines are gone…replaced by optical scanners :frowning:

How else is Dennis Ward going to keep his family in office? When your wife starts yelling to get those damn black people off her campaign it makes it too hard to keep getting her elected with the old manual booths with all their silly record keeping systems. Now he can just hop on a terminal and run “Michele votes = Michele votes + 10000” and be done with it. Think of all the time it will save him.

:lol: Til he hits the wrong button and George W. Bush gets elected to the county legislature

Just emailed my mom (in the 23rd district) and told her a vote for Hoffman equals an invite to Thanksgiving dinner. I left it up to her to decide what a vote for Owens equals.

Well - you better sit down, because it looks like Hoffman ain’t it.

So far - Owens is 3% ahead of Hoffman. And Scozzafava still has 5% of the vote, even though she’s out - maybe a protest vote?