There is a racist statement inside.

I’ve always said that black men are not as shallow as white men. Not trying to sound negative here but if you ever notice a lot of white girls that date black men are over weight. Seems like fat white girls get more attention from black guys than white guys. I’ve always thought a reason for that is because black men are not as shallow and greedy as white men.


nah, they just like big butts. they cannot lie. you other brothers can’t…

^ i think it has to do more with taste and what they like.

Beck’s right. i wouldn’t fuck a fat chick.

were they feelin the grill?

black people that dont jack you for your $hit are awesome.

But they also like white women a lot more. Maybe its because…white women like to be rebelous at times, and get back at their parents, so they date black guys. Also, movies like “Big Daddy Love Bone” don’t help either.

Black guys, don’t have to do much to keep them around, and eventually knock them up.

Black guys want to stay around for the baby, but the white girl doesn’t want it, because its deemed “inappropriate” in societies eyes, and she needs $$$ from her parents, to help raise the kid…and the only way to get that, is to leave Antwoine.

This is why white guys, like badazzss, are all pissed off at the world… and black girls are always miserable!

My Proposed Solution…

Badazzss, needs to start tapping more black ass…

So those statements were empty of all prejudice?

i can’t believe i am responding to this, but did you read what i wrote? The topic was “racist”, but the intentions were clearly positive.

As far as what corey wrote there was nothing but true adjectives in his short statement, no generalizations.

“The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog”

is about as racist as:

“Yesterday on the same street I was passed by 5 fat white kids on sportbikes.”

Fat could be found to be offensive. The word overweight is a much nicer word and is less offensive than fat. It was also irrelevant to the situation.

A & C FTW!!!

Beck: Why are you always picking on me ? I was all happy and peaceful here at the retirement home. :lol:

But Butch baby. You’re different from all those other “Baddazz’s” You actually think before speaking, and don’t want to beat everything up.

I love you. You know this. I’ll be right here waiting for you, when you get out. (Of the retirement home).


I think that the real point of this thread is that you saw there were people surrounding you, on bikes…and then you saw they were black and expected the worst. You have to admit you, got nervous for a split second, saw their reaction, and felt at ease/happy, and decided to make a thread about it.

Do you understand what I am getting at?

It makes sense but he’ll never admit that because he doesn;t want to say that everyone is a little prejudice.

While i was a little uneasy, it was independant of their skin color. It was a night, poorly lit, and if i was surrounded by 5 white kids on bikes, i would have felt the same, if not a bit more, unease.

No, that’s not the cause of my thread, I have always thought that black people are typically “more chill”, than white people… this just was a huge bolster to that idea.

That is true. I think I get your point 100%

I just plain get nervous as hell from KIDS (16-25) in genral regardless of race/size/clothing style/etc…as most are as stupid as I was at that age.

Well, that said, i tend to make judgements on people based on visible things that THEY can control. Someone dressed like a “thug”, regardless of skin color is seen as a potential threat, and i treat the situation accordingly. However, I will not treat that person any differently, but i may heighten my awareness…

Rascism should not be confused with active cogniscence.

Prejudice - Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.

You have no reason to judge them because you do not know them. I believe you’ve told me not to judge people before I know them. Why are you doing it?

FIXED edited parts in bold … here’s the real story of how it went down

The truth is always much more interesting