There is a racist statement inside.

“mannn that thing must do at least a duece”

because it is factual, not irrational? if i see someone walking down the street with a bloody battle axe, my suspicions may peak? The point is that i treat everyone alike. Regardless fo what they are wearing, what color their skin is, etc etc. Again: racism is not to be confused with active cogniscence. Using inputs to determine course of action is what staying alive is all about. But when you let such assumptions directly effect your output, then you have taken something acceptable, and violated it.

And, mike, you are better than dick and fart jokes.

Those kids didn’t have exposed blood or a battle axe. You assumed the worst when you saw they were black. I’m not saying you’re racist but it’s the way people are.

dick and fart jokes are the best

Note to self always trust 5 random strangers in buffalo in the middle of the night. :tup:

He never said he hated them he said they were cool, but just worried about the group. And I do agree with the “soul” comment. The guy sitting next to me at work is amazing. So much so it helps me relax and have a better time during the day. :tup:

i said in the last deleted thread. i dont care if ur gay, straight, black, white, asian, emo, antibush, for bush,pro domestic or anti domestic. stop fucking hating. u guys wanna argue politics go on aim. i miss the days when off topic was filled with videos of people doing stupid shit. iam not sayng iam not guilty of adding to the mix its just out of hand.

Seriously, think before you post. I NEVER said that, i said, my sense of awareness heightened when i was approached by 5 people downtown, near the projects, at 11PM. This had NOTHING to do with their skin color. They could have been white, black, fucking clear. Making assumptions is one thing. Acting on them is another.

And joe, it’s off topic, if there needs to be a political sub forum, so be it.

Attempting to compensate. Searching the interweb now…

Are you guys not reading it right or do you just choose to ignore it? He obviously shouldn’t trust people to not do anything but to assume that they’re gonna mess with him isn’t really right either.

People say they aren’t racist or have any prejudices. What I’m saying is that is impossible. Profiling goes on all the time. It can’t be avoided. Walk into a conveniance store wearing worn jeans and a sweatshirt and you will get completely different reactions if you were wearing a suit.

It was supposed to say I’m not calling you racist but its the way people are. Sorry for any inconveniance

My point is, any suspiscion was hardly irrational. That’s where the difference lies. When five people who are all capable of beating my ass and taking what’s mine approach me, under any circumstances, in any place, wearing any clothes, i instantly hieghten my awarness. That is NOT racism. That is NOT predjudice.

thought i was going to shit myself laughing

Holy roflcopter! :rofl:

i admit that I am a little racist. i make judgemnts on 1st impressions and past experiences.
does that make me a bad person?

the last time 5 guys approached me after getting out of my car was at bubble tea…
I was not afraid, and not one of them could help me with a then misfire problem :smiley:
so, now i believe that not all car guys are created equal.

So you’re paranoid that anyone that’s stronger than you might beat you up and steal your car? It’s a nice car but it’s not likely.


that’s what you said. no matter who it is, where it is, what they’re wearing, if they can beat you up then you think they might.

thats paranoia.

I didn’t know people hated you so much that you worried about random beatings. Or that you were that afraid of people

ok, if five stangers approach me, i am almost always slightly concerned. I don’t think that’s paranoia, considering it rarely happens. Seriously, you can try and prove i am racist/predjudice/“nigger hater” all day long. It’s not going to happen.

I am not worried about random beatings, i don’t think they are going to assault me. I have never been beaten up. Ever. But whenever i find myself in a “weird” situation, i become more alert. Wuit putting words in my mouth.

i am sure this can be related.

:frowning: but i got my hawaiin tribal and japenese caligraphy before they were popular, it pisses me off so much how many people have that shit now

Don’t you read what people post? I don’t think you’re racist to the point where you don’t like people of another race. I’m saying that everyone treats SOMEONE differently because of some reason be it appearance or culture but nobody treats everyone the same. People are trained to be careful and to notice out of the ordinary occurances. Which means you treat anyone that’s different differently.