there must be a story behind this...

and i can’t figure it out. Does anybody know what happend here? At a bare minimum, it’s good for a cheap laugh.

if it’s photoshopped, i’ll be severely disappointed.

It’s from Season 9 Episode 3 of Top Gear. They were in America driving from Miami to New Orleans and they had eat only roadkill for dinner that night. Jeremy had a Camaro and somehow found a cow and strapped it to the hood. The car smelled like cow juice the rest of the trip apparently. It’s one of the most hilarious episodes of Top Gear I’ve ever seen. I recommend downloading it.


It’s from Season 9 Episode 3 of Top Gear. They were in America driving from Miami to New Orleans and they had eat only roadkill for dinner that night. Jeremy had a Camaro and somehow found a cow and strapped it to the hood. The car smelled like cow juice the rest of the trip apparently. It’s one of the most hilarious episodes of Top Gear I’ve ever seen. I recommend downloading it.


wow, even better than i could have imagined. Somehow, i thought it involve either Jeg or Montecarlochick


wow, even better than i could have imagined. Somehow, i thought it involve either Jeg or Montecarlochick


Nah. I don’t think you could strap Montecarlochick to the hood of a car like that.

Kidding, kidding.


Nah. I don’t think you could strap Montecarlochick to the hood of a car like that.

Kidding, kidding.


wow. you so went there.


It’s from Season 9 Episode 3 of Top Gear. They were in America driving from Miami to New Orleans and they had eat only roadkill for dinner that night. Jeremy had a Camaro and somehow found a cow and strapped it to the hood. The car smelled like cow juice the rest of the trip apparently. It’s one of the most hilarious episodes of Top Gear I’ve ever seen. I recommend downloading it.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RIGHT ON…it was their food for the night


wow. you so went there.


It’s your fault. You set me up for it. :slight_smile:


and i can’t figure it out.


Oh c’mon. How else are you going to get a dead cow off of the roof of your 3G Camaro?


Oh c’mon. How else are you going to get a dead cow off of the roof of your 3G Camaro?


getting it off wasn’t the dilemma…it was getting it on, without aparent damage to the vehicle. That steed must have weighed at least 600lbs.


getting it off wasn’t the dilemma…it was getting it on, without aparent damage to the vehicle. That steed must have weighed at least 600lbs.


are we looking at the same cow… that things weighs ALOT more than 600 lbs…


are we looking at the same cow… that things weighs ALOT more than 600 lbs…


“at least”…

I can only use John Goodman as a comparison, i’m not familar enough with steer.

While I’m not sure how they got it on without crushing the car, 600 might be about right. Keep in mind it’s not really that big, just dead and bloated.

A Holstein cow weighs between 1,100 and 1,500 pounds when milking. A Jersey cow weighs 700 to 1,000 pounds


jersey cows must smell like shit


Nah. I don’t think you could strap Montecarlochick to the hood of a car like that.

Kidding, kidding.


It’s the roof dumbass. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I love all these people trying to be funny and I don’t even know them :rofl:


It’s the roof dumbass. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I love all these people trying to be funny and I don’t even know them :rofl:


Don’t get all bent out of shape. No hate here. Nuttin but <3

Onto the original topic, I found the clip on youtube: