ROFL: Top Gear Gets Attacked by Rednecks!

ROFL: Top Gear Gets Attacked by Rednecks!

These blokes are nuts… I guess driving exotics is getting boring?

lol thats crazy i wondering how they feel about imports lol

yeah … saw that ep last nite and the whole show seemed full of stereotyping and one-sided biased views towards americans (in this case “rednecks” in alabama).

not that i have much love for americans (i deal with them everyday at work and absolutely hate new yorkers for example), but the whole show was such a farce and jibberish that i almost lost interest in watching top gear when they do garbage episodes like that one.

don’t want to spoil the ep for anyone else, but let’s just say that if they aired that ep in north america, they’d have animal advocacy groups crying foul all over the place and cause such a shit that most likely it would be booted off air.

wow im suprise they made it out of there pretty much untouch.
that was stupid to do in a hick town, i thought that women yelling at them was going to personally beat them/destroy there cars.

wow…i unno what to think of that one

haha that very last quote was great.

Why can’t we (everyone) just all get along? :GH

awww … gabe wants a gay group hug ":::

I don’t know how much of that was staged or not, but it was really funny.

And that owner of the gas station… I didn’t even know she was a woman! :C

This dude has the rest of the episode:

i almost died laughing when i saw the truck!:i

If you guys watch the rest of the episode, at one point, Jeremy rigs up a shower inside the Camaro.:eek:

The British hostile takeover has begun… :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, i guess you hate me too ehhhhhhhhhh you racistttt!!!

I’m a new yorker too, lived there for 4-5 years. :stuck_out_tongue:

did u ever gets “mugged” or do any “mugging” ?

Nope… Got lucky I guess or I’m too baller for them to touch me hahaha

you’re a new yorker?! NO WONDER, it all makes sense now … i was wondering why i hated you so much :slight_smile: haha, jk


anyone up for a road trip to alabama to do the same thing they did? but maybe we will be lucky enough to stay there… six feet under.

Ahahahaha! Now I dont regret slamming the brakes on you and almost causing the accident :rolleyes:

funny stuff i love it how some people are taking it all serious and shit you should see the comments on you tube
too bad the rest of the videos from that episode got removed and i only saw 3 or 4 yesterday

lol…i cant believe they actually did that, i would have started thinking seriously after looking at the alabama sign