Top Gear in Alabama



how about a link that works?

Yea, I watched this episode a few nights ago. Producers thought it would be funny to have the three write slogans on each others vehicles and trek across the deep south. Producers apparently didn’t do enough homework on how “deep” the redneck south really is.

I love the part at the gas statio…“I’m gonna go get dem boys” and sure as shit right out of dukes of hazard comes a jacked up off-road truck full of dem goo ol boys. Tossing stones and shit at the crew :crackup :haha :lol

Jeremy’s car had stuff like “Nascar Sucks”. Hamiltons truck said “Manlove Rules” down the side of it in neon pink. :rofl “Vote for Hilary Clinton” was all down the side of James caddy…all in deep republican south Alabama

embedding disabled. heres a direct link

sweet camaro


can you please just go download these from final gear and stop with all the 4 season old references to top gear

would you go back to Rspeed please?

Can open. Worms, all over the damn place :excited

Youtube freakin out for anyone else? Wont play more than the first 15 seconds of part 1 or 2.

Just watched the whole thing. Pretty good stuff!



goerge bush a religion LOL !!!



hahaha :lol

You computer has to be restarted, most likely and it will work fine.

You can’t ever go wrong with a timeless piece, and posting something this old, most people most likely haven’t seen it in a while and will be glad to view it again, since they forgot about it long ago.

I gotta man-up and work on the Top Gear thread I’ve been planing on doing for a while.

Subtle beating up on the Caddi every time they got is endless amusement and the roadkill dinner surprise actually had me crying the first time I saw the episode. :crackup

would you please go back up your uterus as you’ve been nothing but a ragging bag of douche

not my fault your about as far behind in the car world as your car is

done and done :banana :nana

watch out the slap fest is about to start

:catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight :catfight

lol that episode is great, I just watched the most recent one with the semi trucks :rofl Hilarious.

Excuse me, don’t you own an Ion? Battlefield, here we come :mwahaha

Oh god, here we go with using the cars we own as a measurement of dick sizes.

grabs popcorn

i consider plastic body panels as a very “futuristic” feature of my car… no rust = not an early 90’s golf

oooh ooh ooh please split this tread and move it over to the fight section… i love fighting with the whole “fish in the barrel” type of people