Top Gear hits U.S

old or not. i thought these were quite entertaining.

yeah its pretty old, i remeber seeing it last year, really funny though. African safari by far is the best one for me lol

That was from season 9… awesome episode, it’s on season 12 now, they went back to the states… it’s pretty funny once again.

haha, or when they write things on their cars like “NASCAR is rubbish” and “Hilary Clinton for President” and drive through the southern US, and then those red necks start throwing rocks at them.

have they ever done a episode for an s13 s14 or s15?

lol no… just the skyline… in the old series they did r32, r33 and r34 and in the new series they did r34 and r35

they did one with some D1 drifters from Japan,

i like this show a hella lot. anyone know if you can buy a box set or something like that here?

to be honest I think your best bet is just downloading them… it might be possible to find them on the internet for sale…

last winter i found a 36gb folder with the clarkson collection from seasons 1-9, for the last year i’ve been updating the folder with the specials and topgear australia as well.

If anyone’s got a laptop or an external hdd i can easily give them the entire series at a meet or something.

Edit: And i have all the new episodes from seasons 10-12 as well.

oh ya the clarkson specials are so good too

x2 to that :slight_smile: MAN LOVE.LOL.
Plus that was really nice of them at the end to give the cars away. That was my first time seen top gear and… Im hooked.

I’m almost positive that was staged.

^^ I thought it was possible, but did you see the most recent time they went to America and all the stuff they went through?


edit: you werent serious were you? cause there’s no way in hell thats real.

Yeah… I’m talking about the stuff were it says they have to not be entertaining… they always try and make Americans look primitive and stupid

Yea… that was obviously staged. In fact most of the shit they do is staged. Do you remember when they burned down the car wash?

lol ya true… looking back they did a lot of the stuff they did/do would be unacceptable under any other circumstances