Top Gear Attacked.

lool the crew from top gear gets attacked pretty hilarious.

HAHA…I wouldn’t have done that, even for what they are getting paid.

It amazes me how pathetic some sub cultures really are still.

it’s because people have started to mate with vegetables.

That was intense! hehe

thats nuts, i never knew it was like that down there…

its like that here too if you know how to push peoples buttons

I absolutley died…when I saw pickup truck with 10 shirtless hicks in the back. I thought that was only in tv.

Go to most little towns in Quebec and speak english, the same will happen.

can somebody quote me what the lady said when she walked out and yelled at them ? right before the guys showed up in the truck, and they were pelted with rocks…

BTW- awesome! i hate too admit it, but top-gear makes me laugh regardless of the car-less content at times…

that’s awesome.

do i know you?


Not to pick on our allies south of the border, but I face their ignorance all too often. I find several of the good folks I deal with completely oblivious to anything other than what they see on CNN. Some of them simply can’t think for themselves…

Good example:

Hah its funny how people on this forum complain about us being biased by the cops for street racing, and now were biasing all americans to be dumb ? Not all americans are that stupid, besides, Canada has its load of dumb hicks as well. You cant blame people who grew up in the country for not knowing much. There are intelligent and dumb individuals everywhere. Oh btw I’ve been to small towns in quebec, and yea the people seemed nice none the less I couldnt speak much french.

Oh man i just saw this video after i posted the The Good, The Bad and The ugly. That was some pretty intense moments at that gas station lol

~ Justin

All countries have their share of ‘uneducated’ not dumb people. I’d fathom a guess that most of those good folks haven’t had the same opportunities or exposure to different ways of thinking, thus their inability to form their own opinions on world issues. (even our own prime minister is following in GWB’s capitalist footsteps but that’s a entirely different discussion)

Highlighting these individuals on world issues; however, provides nothing but hilarity. No bashing intended.

thems is fightin words there on yur car
imma gon get the boys
ur in a hick town

Are yalll gay trying to get beat up in hick town!!?

lol lol