Theres a new name atop the big 3 manufacturers

show to me where i said he actually owned an 80’s f-body. Maybe you ought to read before you respond there tough guy.:nuts: i was simply stating a hypothetical fact.

real adult name-calling though, you nearly e-knocked me out with that one. You think simply because i drive jap cars i automatically HATE everything american? read ALLLLLLLL of my posts, where i said i love new corvettes and i wish i could own a 60’s era muscle car when CARS WERE CARS. No bullshit fancy pants add-ons just bare bones muscle. I make one comment that takes a misdirected stab at american “MUSCLE” (dare i put them in that category) and you get all fuckin uppity about it? grow the fuck up.

No need to respond with a horsepower per liter argument…Volumetric Efficiency is simply a pool too deep for domestic cars to swim in.
