They found Malaysia Flight 370!!!!

If Boeing can track their planes I am sure they were told to keep quiet.

This is still just so mind blowing that we know so little this far in.

I think Malaysia knows more than theyre sharing for sure, and I fear if another nation doesnt find debris or some crucial evidence soon, this may go down as the biggest aviation mystery in modern time.

They found it.

no they didnt.

  • Commercial satellites have captured images of several large objects in the ocean 2500km south-west of Perth;
  • The largest of the objects is up to 24 metres long;
  • There is no guarantee the objects are from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, but authorities have described it as the best lead they have had so far.

I don’t know what you think these are then. Whales? Wait. Shit… it might be a whale.



Sorry. I think Flight 19 trumps this as mysteries go.

until they pull whatever that is out of the water and verify its still just speculation

It just keeps changing, when I went to bed some experts thought it landed. 4 hours later they find a 79’ object. Crazy.

It was a good theory, right up until yesterday morning when they figured out the plane was 12 minutes past making the u-turn when the co-pilot radioed in to ATC that everything was ok.

The tinfoil hats are strong!

      • Updated - - -

The “highly suspicious” cargo load was obviously the Ark of The Covenant.



Has spawned the “Courtney Love Meme:”

It could be ANYTHING, ships loose cargo all the time, remnants from the tsunamis or any other huge storm, or just sht that some random country has dumped…

My uneducated guess (since that’s all the news is carrying anymore anyway) is that it’s a shipping container just because I doubt they’re going to find any pieces of this plane as big as 78’.

By modern I mean the last 40 or so years lol.

I agree. A wing is 80ft but would surely splinter so other than a fuselage part it seems a little big.

Also it doesn’t help that they’re searching a garbage swirl where currents pool tons of garbage every year.