They're being wrecked at an alarming rate

Another one: Poor GTR

lol thats so ****en horrrible and a black one too

these guys should learn how to drive before buying any fast car.

damn that one ate it worse then the first one.

his/her insurance rate just took off!!

moment of silence for the GTR!!


thats what happens when you let an idiot drive.

i think i just cried alil…anyone else get that ??

actually… i think i can afford that now lol i’ll fix it up hehehehe…but yah they shouldn’t let people like drive cars like this make me sad:C :drivin

R35’s are already on the road here. I saw one on the 401 on thursday. Stands out like a sore thumb in traffic.

so true dude, so friggin true

it was bound to happen look at the enzo
