Things i want to kill V. Dell tech support

So we have about 16 dell optiplexes. And along with those we ordered 19" monitors. One of them have some sort of interference on it and we need to send it back. They are asking me for the service tag on the fucking tower. Send those damn troops to india and bomb these assholes. I understand having to ask questions but when we drop like 15,000 on computers and monitors you would think they were a little better to their customers…

Agreed, but keep in mind you’re probably talking to someone with no authority to make a judgement call, no matter how obvious it should be.

I believe the service tag refers to the combo it was shipped with, so they know what product they are getting back and can ship out the same one.

Its like here at time warner when we ask a customer for the modem mac # and they flip out. It’s frustrating as hell.

I was adelphia tech support, and i got shit all the time about the mac. This is impossible for me to get the tower number cause we bought 8 computers and they are all either boxed up still or installed at the facilities they were meant for downtown. going on thirty minutes now. She sounds cute and i always wanted to bang a hot indian chick… DAMN YOU DELL!!! I want to love her but her rules keep her from me! This is turning into a Redgoober post.

Ahhh makes sense now then.

Travelocity, flight, bang her, come back to phone tomorrow and still on hold. She’s happy that you banged her, and gives you a break and doesn’t need the service tag. However now you find out she had 8 types of herpes and you dick falls off…

You get fucked either way.

By the many arms of vishnu! End this phone call.

Service tag is on the box as well, and on the packing slip. And honestly I don’t see why you are complaining. Especially having worked as a support technician you should know there is a string of things you have to ask. The service tag is important to them especially if you are like our company and buy thousands of PC’s from them, there are so many different variations of the same PC and they are not going to send you one that you didn’t pay for.

All that stuff is not here, i work for the corporate headquarters we send these comptuers to where they need to be. They don’t even initially get sent here since it is a healt care provider and they have to be sent to the facilities first. There is a HUUUUUUGe difference between american tech support and what this is. I have talked to dell and gotten someone stateside on numerous occasions.

BTW the order number that i was able to find did help her find the service tag but it took a long ass time to get that information. Not really a good way to handle a call.

51 minutes and the call is over.

51 minute call time ftl

HAHAHA, that’s why you don’t cheap out and get econo support, you go straight to gold tech support :slight_smile:

What’s up english speakin’ mothafuckas

What’s up “Yeah, I already reformated and tried this” “Ok, i’ll send you a part and a tech tomorrow, no charge”


Sad thing is we have gold support or some shit.

  • eleventybillion.

Anytime I get an english speaking tech the call time is like 10 minutes TOPS and my issue is resolved. Anytime I get Habeeb Howsthatslurpee the call time is over an hour and absolutely nothing is resolved.

If I get a hard to understand person, I always say does anybody speak english there? And then argue for 40 minutes until I get my way.

So 40 minutes arguing + 10 minutes with American = 50 minutes
or 50 minutes with Howsthatslurpee = 50 minutes

Either way unless it’s a warranty issue I refused to call and prefer to jump on the chat site.

I just got a free motherboard after they realized they couldn’t fix my problem. I thought the support was great

“did that fix it?”
“ok, we will send out for your new motherboard and have a tech call you in 1-2 business days to install it for you.”

Do you have business gold support…?

fuck if i know i just answer the phones

We have business gold also…but I have still talked to some people not native of this country

hp 4 life

It’s retarded to bind the monitor to the PC. No where does it say (but it probably does in some small print on the bottom of someone’s shoe) that these have to be used together and the monitor has a seperate serial number so WTF is the problem?

Howie, did you forget who we work for? Gold Business support? That sounds expensive. :wink:

My question is what would have happened if we bought the monitor on its own? There there would be no comptuer to bind to it at all. Its a fucked up system.