Think I'll be switching to Verizon DSL *supernerds inquire within*

~$45/month for a baseline phone and dsl.

bandwidth not guaranteed :bloated:

i asked the guy about it. it’s retarded, they like to play games. fuck them.

what’s more for the money i spend now, i expect a lot more bandwidth.

i’m a very realislistic person, and in a very relative way, if a line that’s capable of achieving 200kbps (ie verizon dsl) costs $45 – for half the $$ i expect half the bandwidth relatively. basically i just want what i’m paying for, no games.

Since they chose not to call me back yesterday :bloated: they have a nice e-mail in their box along with the results of the speed test i ran on day one and results from yesterday. i also included a test run directly connected through a cat5e patch cable the modem (no router).

I pretty much told them that it’s ridiculous, and if they don’t call me and don’t straighten it out they can cancel my service. guess we’ll see a little later…

btw if they choose the latter, i’ll be sure to test all of my neighbors connections and tell them how they are getting screwed. have a nice day rocketbroadband

verizon is 29.99 after the 4 or 3 month promotion

right it would be like $35 for 3 months and then $45 after that time. this of course not factoring in the initial cost of the modem/installation/whatever which i think is $50?

btw i saw in an ad i got in the mail from best buy that you can setup verizon dsl right through them, and you get a $75 best buy gift card. :gotme:

if that’s true i’ll do that, guess i’ll have to look into it more today…

I have road runner and you can definatly tell when it becomes congested by users…I just try not to use during “ebay hour”.

It is strange though…I’ve seen my download speeds go as low as 45kbps, and that’s with road runner…Of course I have a half-assed jury rigged connection.


i wish it were simple congestion, i have tested the connection at like 8 different times of day at this point. it took a dive and stayed there…

well if thats the case, id dump them, they shouldent be fucking with ur connection like that.

shit as shitty as adelphia is, at least they give u some sort of speed to start with b4 capping u. but they are too stupid to realise all the uncapping thats going on with them. so the speeds are really good, the way i see it is if im paying 55 a month for broadband, i dont feel i need any cap at all, so i took it upon my self to rectify that issue :slight_smile:

figured as much… guess we’ll see later today. if they don’t call me back today i’m ordering the phone installation and dsl kit.

i’ve seriously had it with them. my gf has to dl like 15 meg pdfs from school -all-the-time- and it has been taking retarded amounts of time…

btw thanks for the help and opinions kev. :slight_smile:

dsl is a 1 yr contract

is this so called up capping hard to do…

now it is, it used to be simple, but adelphia changed how theyre modems recieve the config files, so all u need now is a newer modem and a serial cable, with some special software and ta-da all done :slight_smile:

not true, $29.99/month with 1 year contract and $37.99 (or something) month to month basis.

i’ll opt for the former though. i’ll be here for at least one more year before i leave this snowy salty place for NC. :smiley:

well the Greg guy just called me back. Dude is cool enough, and didn’t treat me like a retard like the other guy did. I’m pretty sure he’s the “boss”. This was the guy who I originally talked to, and who did the modem installation. He says I should be seeing 128kbps and there could be something wrong, he’s going to my place to check it out around 12. luckily my gf is working from home today to let him in.

anyway i’ll keep you guys posted on what happens…

thats cool, good luck.

i’d hate to give up my new appt because of shitty internet… if i cant play games i’ll die.

whered you get the modem with the serial connection?
:lol: j/k

:eek: :frowning: :confused: :rant:

“play games”

yea, right

Everyone on here knows what the internets used for…who you tryin to fool


Well he hasn’t called me again yet, but he did go over and check it out. Pretty much he told my gf that we weren’t supposed to be getting the bandwidth we had originally or something. yokay.

So pretty much when he does finally call me he’s going to get an earful. He was telling my gf that we should switch to their 300kb connection at $39.

Here’s my problem with that – at a $40/month price point, what I expect as a customer is a minimum of a 1.5-2.0mb connection. So wait what are you offering for $40?? 0.3mb. yokay, thanks bye. don’t think so. eat a dick bitch, EAT - MY - DICK!!!

Or at least that might be what I end up saying when he calls back… if he calls back… :slight_smile: