"think outside of the box" and other horrible office stuff

Just try the post-meeting follow-up e-mail in the huge hot pink font. Maybe they’ll get the message that they suck.

If I ever quit, that’s how I plan on going out in style ( and don’t need a reference. )

Either the pink font or the CFO’s face photoshopped into some bestiality animated gifs.

doesn’t it feel great to lose money like that!

it would not be a issue if they gave us more a hour… or something to help… kinda like 10% of the company can work from home… cool offer it to everyone … and i would not care… if i could sit at home then ok charge me i will still save that in gas … i think im at about 110 a week (this is for me and the wife to get to work)

What do you do 4door?

i work at independent health 3 years now… I went from phones to claims where i am now … I own all NF,WC, other insurance,medicare claims and cases …also work on high $$ claims anything over 500k comes to me… and all big issues come to me… im know as the “right hand man” for the director and i hold my ankles like a champ

So a health care provider had to cut health care benefits to deal with the rising costs of health care? Woah. Mind fuck.

Ouch. I wouldn’t be able to get past the personal aspect. If I denied a claim and the guy died because of it, it would bug me.

Oh great, Karl’s back. Ya communist fuck. :roll2:



we were told so we can be proud to tell companys that we sell our product to that we also pay and we feal there pain …someone’s vag got hurt when they were told our employes dont pay… but they did not tell them we get paid less.i think they should have just lied and said yes we pay 20%…its a fucking sales pitch and that is why i dont like it the most

i cant get in to detail but yes it does bother you sometimes.and i have had it happen… reading letters and run reports … yea gets to ya

there is more F’ed up stuff but i can go into it

Edit: Cliffs
Irritations in engineering > general corporate irritations.
We get the smart dumb people.

At my last job, we had weekly meetings to discuss our most important engineering projects. All the managers were there, Engineering, Manufacturing, Sales, Market, and
Shipping. (small company and the meeting was ~12 people.)

The list had ~30 active projects and the top 5 were URGENT.
At the close of the meeting, the sales guys would pitch new product ideas
and suggestions.

Toward the end my favorite comments were" How much more money can we get
after we design/build/fix it?"

If it could be profitable, I asked " which project are we to stop working on?"
That usually involved getting another project added to the list as the top 6 most important.

For some strange reason, our product design cycle would take over a year.

My new job is much better. All I have to do is convince a 71 y/o engineer that
my $2500 +/- 1% instrument is more accurate than his instrument of choice that will
require him reading gages and running calculations that should get him to +/- 5%.
Although, if he gets as close to the gages as he does to the control system PC’s monitor (1") he should really get a good reading.

Hows that for a rant?
Do I need to work on my synergism?

Honestly, your post was a little too long for me. Cliffs would be a nice addition, however I will just generally agree with you and give you the generic reply:
“Yeah, shit like that sucks.”

Cliffs added :slight_smile:

Ahhh now I get it.

Fucking enginerds are the worst, as they often have zero comprehension of anything relative OTHER than their individual project. An accounting nightmare :tdown:

:word: I’m glad i’m in banking and not manufacturing. Everyone is a finance nerd here. :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m glad I’m not in engineering either.



At least your 71 year old’s methods don’t have to have 17890234 different values right in the software to span them correctly. :mamoru:

Ugh, finance nerds have no imagination… That’s why I’m going into law.

I keep the imagination for my personal time. At work, I want a fucking right or wrong answer, with numerical proof.

Small companies are the way to go. We deal with major companies as contractors all over the country but only 100 total employees in 5 cities so we personalized offices (no cubicles for me) and cool perks like a free car to drive to and from work with paid gas.

NO dealing with the stupid shit of corporate workers. ALso, no coffee club which is just an excuse for a bunch of fat people to not work and stand around drinking coffee.