Think we can do it this year?

idk i have some fucking epic lamo halarious night at mcdonalds, i loveeee all the caos and random jackasses that we all rip on and laugh at. idk i do love mcdees, its always been fun and funny. when mcdonalds nights are good, they are good and no1 can say any different cause if you do yours all bullshiters. but highbridge will be fun also!

Yea unfortunately the scene around here is filled with a lot of dopes. You really have to make it what you want it to be by finding a group of people, like what we have now, and just finding a place that is off the grid to these clowns.

I love the idea of being able to grab food at a spot, and being on a main road where you can get more than just the regular folks. That’s why the lot has been such a good spot in the past. Seans new spot sounds good, and outs not like we don’t have another 5 known spots to cruise to and chill at throughout the night.

Whats this mention of HOOTERS?! Sure would be nice to have one in the Tri-city!..

McD’s is done!.. Idiots ruined it… Lame ass burnouts, drifting, thugs, ghetto BS, fights, destruction of property. Word is, one night someone hit a shopping cart and put it through O’Tooles front window!!! Cops are not fouling around!.. We were asked to leave last year. I was waiting for a friend to return and was asked again why I was still there. I told the officer, who then got irritated and threatened to write me a ticket. Little did he know who I know. We were clear after that and he had nothing more to say.

Go ahead and goto McD’s this year! You will not be welcomed. Business owner’s there are fed up with the childish Bullshit that goes on there.

A new spot would be great. But you have to keep scumbags out!


park and rideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

If you want to “chill at the lot” so badly, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Upon arrival, drive around the entire lot and give everybody who makes eye contact with you the ‘death stare.’ This will let them know that you’re not there to fool around.
  2. Proceed to the drive-thru and purchase at least a cheese burger, preferably more since you’re probably overweight and enjoy stuffing your mouth with unhealthy garbage.
  3. Park your car and stay inside. If anybody comes up to your window, tell them that there’s a big heroin bust coming up and that you’re working undercover for the Colonie PD.
  4. When the police arrive, laugh. When an officer comes up to your car and attempts to ask you to leave, begin eating. Roll your window down, and with a mouthful of gastrointestinal SHIT, say hello.

This works every time.

Stop debating. Pick a spot and make it happen.

This shit happens every year. We all know, at some point we’ll be at the lot. The best thing to do imo, is just plan shit every weekend as far as meeting spots and such. Plus, its always nice to switch shit up.

I like sean’s idea… having something other than just a parking lot to stand in is a must IMO.

Sean’s idea is badass. Just saw the thread. I vote that… if you want to hang out in a parking lot after that, there’s nothing stopping anyone. It’s not like they close :lol

there not like that as long as ya drive normally man . im friends with 95%of the "older croud " that u guys call em . if ya act like a tool ya get treated like a tool . unf most of the imports in the area act like leo lolol . if ya go and act normall and use your car in a real fashion they will take ya in

Mario that’s exactly all anyone can ask for IMO. I will def look to check that spot out then.

Also lets go with seans idea for sure. I will still talk to the hooters manager and my buddy maybe setup carwashs or something fun. <if you don’t like the idea your not hetro

mario ???


fail on my part…<i always see your name as mario until i just took a good look. basicly it was a pjb moment


Hey guys! So, what exactly is up for this year then? I was a regular on Albany Underground, but just noticed that site seems to have gone down, so I found this one. In any event, I cruised around tonight (April 8) at all the “usual” spots - McD’s, DD, etc. and saw no cars out. Is it still too early or have all the old hang-out spots been ruined by stupidity? I saw you were mentioning a park and ride spot in this thread, but not sure where that is or if anything’s happening there. Just want to hang out somewhere and check out some nice rides and not be hassled by cops.

FYI, I’m the guy with the rusty 1975 Plymouth Fury at McD’s last year…

not much happening this time yet .

Should be people at highbridge tomorrow.

Maybe I’ll come check it out Sat then…