Thinking about a new car...Opinions please

Ok…so times are tough and I am thinking about moving home to my parents house. Which would free up a TON of $ for me to get a totally bitchin ride.

So I was thinking about maybe getting a Ferrari like this|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1308


A Porsche like this|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1308

Both are easily affordable since I wont have to pay for rent or utilities…pretty sure my parents also agreed to give me an allowance for cleaning up and mowing the lawn and shoveling the driveway.

Insurance doesnt matter because I am going to go back on their policy and they said they will pay for 75% of that so I am in awesome shape.

So does anyone have personal experience with either of these cars?

I am leaning towards the Porsche just because there is a local dealership and I am part German. I also love David Hasselhoff.

LOL Ok where’s the original thread that this started from?

No original thread…this is srs bsns Jesse.

Have you any experience with these cars?



i have ALWAYS loved the 355… but it hasnt aged well… the interior is seriously looking VERY dated… and i never realized how slow they were until i raced one in aimans S4 on the 198 a long time back…


There is no parody…I am seriously interested in buying one of these cars…if you dont have anything useful to say…please stay out of the thread.

This is an AUTOMOTIVE FORUM afterall isn’t it?

I am just trying to gain some insight on which car might fit my needs better.

That ferrari is hawt! No likey the F1 though


I will have to take that into consideration…just trying to find the best platform for my 80k budget.

:tup: You sure you’re not a finance manager at a car dealership?

I have a bad left knee so manual or auto is ok…the F1 style seems like it would be alot of fun so I don’t really have a preference.

What are you going to use as a dd? Have you considered an E46 or is300 perhaps?

Not yet…but maybe one day if things go my way and of course…a little bit of luck is involved.

I will have to make a seperate thread for that…

oh wait…nevermind…looks like the research has been done already.

But I was thinking seriously about maybe an X5 or a Qx4…just keep it simple but classy.

Well i think you should first try and sell all your cars on nyspeed, for dealership pricing and then say u want to buy these cars

That doesnt make any sense…I am going to bundle all of my vehicles together and sell them as a package.

:io: .