thinking about changing schools

well, i think teaching would be something i would enjoy doing, problem is, im not sure what i would want to teach. i have always had a deep passion for music, and i’m told im ‘gifted’ musician ([rolls eyes] yeah ok im not THAT good), but music has always been something that i have done out of pure enjoyment and something that relaxes me and something thats meaningful to me in a way that i cant really explain in words. all those things considered, i dont think i would really want to do that as a career for the above reasons. it also has a lot to do with the fact that going into music like that involves mastering all of the very technical aspects of music and all of the theory and stuff. i’m not too bad with it, but im more of a ‘fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants’ musician i guess you could say. dont get me wrong, if you put a piece of music in front of me, i can play it fine, but id rather listen to something, then figure out how to play it by myself. learning off the sheet music is like cheating to me. kinda takes a lot of the fun and enjoyment out of it for me. but anyway…