Thinking of selling my truck, need considerations for a used 4x4 truck

Well…i’m heavily considering selling my truck…and as much as i thought i’d never say that it’s not killing me to consider it either. I’m getting married in september and looking at buying a house right after. My fiance is going to PA school in january of next year as well. I’m pretty heavily considering selling my truck, i’m well ahead of my payments and can come out with 10-12k on top, + about 6k in aftermarket parts i’ll sell seperate. Long story short it would be nice to save the 500/mo payment while my wife is in PA school, so i’m looking at letting it go and picking up a truck that’ll last me at least 3 years without major problems. When she’s done with PA school i’ll buy a nice truck again.

Anyways, What is a good reliable truck i can get for 10-12grand (I’m gonna pay off my bike with the rest and get rid of another 200/mo payment)? What years should i look for and avoid? What kind of mileage should i stay away from and on which models? I’m looking for a full size, regular bed 4x4, towing package. Access cab would be nice 4door would be better not neither are necessary i suppose. As for purpose, now i use my truck for moving anything large (mostly car parts), towing, and just driving to and from work in the rain and during winter(about 30miles 1 way). gas or diesel

Suggestions please and thank you

I have no recommendations on trucks, but good thinking about getting rid of payments while the future wife won’t be able to contribute like you are. Saving $700/month is definitely going to help.

Chevy 1/2 ton truck

What about a 98 or 99 4 cyl Tacoma? The 2.7 goes forever and they can be had for well under 10K.

Edit: never mind missed the part about full size.

Those are a head gasket problem .buttttttttt if ya find em most likely the frame and undercarrige was all new cause of the frame recall

Like John said you could get a nice 1500 Silverado for around $10k

Yup my buddy had his 2000 get a new frame because of that. He could chose between Toyota giving him Kbb excellent condition value for the truck or a new frame and he didn’t wanna part with the truck.

my tahoe fits your description if you don’t mind an suv rather than a pickup…

Has to be a pickup

For $10k youre gonna be looking at something 8-10 years old with 100k+.

If looking at a GM check the rocker panels and cab corners for rust. For a Dodge check the bed and rockers for rust and get the tranny checked out. For a Ford try to make sure the sparkplugs have been replaced (only an issue on 5.4’s and they cost $400+ to replace). For an '04-'05 make sure the cam phasers arent make noise ('06+ dont have that issue).

I havent heard anything really good about Titans and Ive heard theyre horrible on gas. An '07+ Tundra is out of your range and the older ones are more like the size of a Dakota than a fullsize. My cousin has an older one and the bed is very shallow and it felt like I was sitting on the floor when I drove it.

Ive got an F150 with 107k and it doesnt have a bit of rust and the only major issue was the rearend needing bearings at 93k but that was most likely due to a dumbass overtightening the pinion bolt (not me, somebody I had replace it). The tranny, motor, front end, steering, etc is all original without any issues at all. Ive put 59k on the truck in the past 3 years.

not like $10k is gonna buy one of those anyway. Thats an '11+

It’s a metaphor

well the Powerstroke does suck and the 5.4 is a bit underpowered for a heavy truck

The 5.4 is underpowered in any vehicle unless its blown . Fords suck weak rearends , terrible motor , frames rot etc

I dont have an issue with it being underpowered. Its no race car but its not supposed to be.

Ive never seen anything on any of the F150 forums about frames rotting on '04+ trucks.

Keep your current truck (which is in good shape) and sell the bike. Otherwise you’re going to end up with somebody else’s pile of shit

Buy my F350 dude, I need to get rid of it now that I got Jimmy. I’ll make ya a deal on it.

What year is the f350 Wayne? Pm me details

I won’t sell my bike, I ride it Wayy too much. And even if I did I’d still have a truck payment which is what I want to delete while the wife is in pa school.

You seriously think that for 10grand I can’t find a good truck that will last me at least 3 years? I think that’s pretty do-able