Thinking of Trying Auto-X at North Park

Since it’s so close (I literally hear the cars running/tires squealing when I’m in my back yard), I’m thinking of giving it a try. Obviously, my 5.slow on ET streets with no front sway bar isn’t going to work there, so I’m thinking of trying either my wife’s 93 4-cylinder automatic LX Mustang or my 03 Monte Carlo SS. I know some of you guys are up there every week, so hopefully you can answer some questions…

-Is it even worth me going in one of those slow-ass cars? How serious are you guys? If it is worth going, would you recommend taking the ultra-slow 2.3L Mustang that handles fairly well, or the not-as-ultra-slow-but-still-very-slow Monte Carlo that handles horribly? I don’t want to waste people’s time if ya’ll are pretty serious.

-What type of safety inspection/requirements/ect are there?

Just trying to get a feel for the whole thing…input is appreciated.

This in a nutshell should show how serious one of our 20+ year members is…

If your new, people are always more likely to help you than laugh at you for trying. That because we all remembered we all sucked once lol. There are plenty of “slow ass cars” you’ll see so much different stuff running out there you’ll laugh. I’d take whatever car handles better (mustang?) and you need current inspection, tires that don’t have cords showing, and the battery should be secure. They can help class you when you check in at the trailer in the morning. Registration is from 8:30 to 9:30am. Tech inspection closes at 10:00am. Timed runs follow the mandatory Drivers Meeting. You can probably get a loaner helmet off someone, SN95 (or M95) helmets and newer work fine if you own one. DOT approved helmets do not meet autox standards. Tomorrow is the last one then after that it moves up to beaver for awhile, then returns to NP in the fall. Don’t think about it, just go :bigthumb:

Cool, thanks for the info…I guess I’ll give it a try in the LX Mustang. Hopefully no one laughs too hard at me. I’ll see you on September 7 I guess. :smiley:

Lol, at the Ancas-mobile (wonder is he was wearing his Rowdy-Roddy Piper pants that day).

Run what you brung. No worres at all, most of the guys at these events are super nice, helpful, unpretentious. Hell I’ve seen women show up in a bone stock Focus 4-door and have a blast. Just avoid the kook that drives this clapped out black Civic hatch…sketchy…

BTW Chris: Did you find your Sesame Street raincoat in your blue box? I figured all those were yours.

Man who gives a shit what you bring. I’ve run my 4 door Cavalier in AutoX, it’s a blast! And no one laughed at me (seriously)

Alright, cool…when you guys see a white, automatic, 4-cylinder Mustang hatchback going really slow in September it’ll be me.

I was laughing, you just didn’t see it. :greddy:

September is too far away, your missing all the good weather (rain aside).
I’m being dead serious, beaverun’s events are even less to worry about lol. Just watch for a dude in a white integra, after each run he’ll come over and smack your ass and say something generic like “Hey good run man, lets hit the showers!” :kekegay:

Thanks mang, but I dunno about Beaver Run…one of the big attractions is that I can throw a rock and hit North Park’s swimming pool from where I’m sitting right now (OK, that’s a bit of an exageration, it is about a 5 minute walk from here).

:bowrofl: I don’t see anything wrong

i could see you slapping peoples ass…lol…i wanna come to autoX

this is the homo with the white integra

[ame=“”]YouTube - Honda Integra AutoX[/ame]

Thats understandable, honestly for a first timer both work out great. Beaverun is alot less formal than North Park (no classes…or tech for that matter lol). You usually get a few more runs and you don’t have to chase cones. The downsides are it cost more and the courses sometimes get a little tight for their own good. But like slap happy Steve said you’ll meet good people at both. Doesn’t matter what car you take. You’ll probably show up to a event, look at a car next to you and think holy shit someone is going to race that? You’ll feel alot better then :slight_smile:

Wow, sure glad she doesn’t smoke like that anymore.:down:

I can’t speak for PA AutoX… but I can speak about in general. All I can say is DO IT. It’s a blast, the people are great, and you won’t regret it at all.

I’d say bring the ‘stang, RWD is way more fun (even in an under-powered car, I have a blast AXin’ my IS250 sometimes) IMHO. Habib will now kill me.


who wasted their film on that d-bag?

There is an event on BOTH Saturday (24th) and Sunday (25th) at BeaveRun…put your money where your mouth is…instead of sitting in a parking lot.:doh:

No, I co-drove a S2000 two weekends ago. If I needed a car to remind me FWD sucked that was it lol. Meh, someday damnit I’ll get something that turns the back wheels.