I heard that buying a thinner head gasket can increase your compression ratio, has anyone done that, and if its worth it , where to buy one. thanks
i did it to my winter beater didnt really notice a big difference, i would only recommend if u wanna build a N/A or your head gasket blows like mine did.
if you took headgaskets and compared a used to a new, the used is obviously going to be smaller.
also because of the different materials in different companies they will appear thicker when not compressed but most of them are within the thousanths of an inch where you wouldnt notice any difference.
most poeple actuaully opped by for buying thicker head gaskets that are more durable. going thinner won’t make such of a difference like Jesse said.
if you’re looking to increase compression without boring then you’re options are decking the head, new pistons, different rods, etc.
if you plan on replacing your head gasket you might as well deck the head down a bit since you should be getting it machined each time you take it off anyway.