this coming sat night

quess what it aint worth getting down for what u own and what quik owns.

dont bring me into youre pissing contest!!!

and to let you in on something im not building anything to strive to just beat one person or anyone. im doing it for myself so i can perticipate in some events

all u do is try and put down what everyone else has even if its a respectable car. I mean u say rolands car , brians car, and steves car are all over cammed and now ur on devins shit saying about the times his car will run. To me it seems like ur a little jealous bitch when someone out there has something better then u. U start all kinds af shit with people and always try to bust there balls about there rides.

answer me this how am i jealous of anyone that you described?

you take shit way too much to heart. you need to realize not everything is serious.

yes i said that about those 3 LS1s but realistially its the truth. it may be for future plans but at that moment they are what they are.

and not putting down anyones car, i tell them congrats and best of luck.

fuck it i dont have to sit here and tell you something you already know. youre in one of your damm pissy moods and when you relax or whatever it is that you need to take care youll see things clearer

and if you got a beef with shaggy thats you and him. and i do recall and so will others you jumped on my shit cause how i spoke to and about shaggy but youre doing the same shit as i did. now sit there and think about why i did what it did and its the same reason or close to the same as why you are doing it now

how is it the truth have u done the research and tested all these cams in more then one car. I mean wheres ur shop, wheres ur dyno number, where ur track times, also what setups were run with those cams. Come on quik tell me where ur info at to back u up.

dont need a shop, and what you stated neither have you. you went with a cam that ppl said to do and so far without anything else its not as potent as yo uwould of thought. i seen rolands dyno sheet, made first statement from that. then just went with the flow to fuck with YOU.

cams should be picked for that specific combo/setup and use of car. not just how it sounds or how much rwhp it makes

when you mod one thing you need supporting mods for the rest of it. its an entire setup that makes a good running ride not just one perticular part

most people can’t afford all the parts at one time. it’s one or two pieces at a time till it’s done.


thank u and if ur going to do it why not buy the one thing that will give u ur most gain but what do we know.

then why not just wait to you do it all at once. instead of changing the setup afew times. do it once and only once

we knew what to expect and so far were right on the money except for rolands car. These cars need bigger intakes and throttle bodies and they need dynoed tune which will come in due time. Our info came from TSP and from thunder and I know they have a dyno, a tuner, there own shop, and they have the research to prove it what do u have yeah that what I thjought. I think this arguement is done unless u would like to continue this in person quik just let me know u little jealous bitch.

too much cam can hurt also. isnt it possible for a stock motor f bucket to hit 12s? if so then why when you toss in a aggressive cam you run what a stock fbucket can run?

one of the best things you can do is learn how to drive and learn the vehicle. then once you successfully conquere the vehicle then start to mod and then learn the vehicle once again.

because its not ur fuckin money or ur fuckin vehicle so sht the fuck up and mind ur own fuckin busniess u little jealous fuck

or one of the best thing u could learn is to shut ur fuckin mouth and mind ur own business

in person doesnt bother me. sorry not jealous and thats funny calling me little, i laugh at that statement of yours. lol, lol, lol.

do i sense someone getting all pissy again? sorry again what and who do i have to be jealous of? am i able to go out and buy exactly what they did yes, do i choose to, no i dont. so again not jealous. it seems like you need to live thru others to make up for things you lack. and how about you worry about your own shit

what fun would that be…

i guess i should have waited another year to put my 350 in my truck, that way i would have had the extra money to get the machine work done to the heads so i could run bigger springs and a bigger cam :dunno:

I am sooooo fucking tired of all this shit!!! Pittspeed has become nothing but a fucking dwelling of keyboard happy,shit talking people wiht nothing better to do then run their mouths and not there car,so i say i run low 13,s or high 13,s fuck it,i don,t really care what i run or who i can beat. I used to comeo n here to meet car ENTHUSIASTS just like me and talk a lil bit o;shit here and there but this shit has gone so far down the shitter that people who used be friends now aren,t and people take what we have here for fucking granted and there are only a few people thgat actually back up their talk and i tottaly respect them for that,some people don,t have the money or knowledge to just slap on a paert and go fast and when asking a simple question all they get is fucking abbused or considered a fucking dumbass. What happened to helping people out for the better most gains out of their ride,10second-cars to 16 sec cars it doesn,t matter. I really don,t understand all of this,this was a thread to get some boys with 14-13 sec cars to run just for fun and this is how it turned out. Give me a fucking break here guys. Grow the fuck up!

its still a thread for a few of us with 12,13 and 14 rides. its probably one of hte last times this year we can do this

Im just tire of u busting on people stuff u have no room to talk at all. If it aint urs ur a fuckin hater but if its urs its the shit. I could go back through all ur post and can get many of them to back up what Im saying. U think what u do is the right way and thats it. One question I have is what happen to ur motor know it all? I mean where this fast car at? Last I heard u were building a motor and then ur buying a shot block from someone already built. If u have the money and u know how to build shit then fuckin do it and bring it on.