this coming sat night

the eat n park right by the pep boys

you pussies are afraid of westmo county!!!

lets think about it, most everyone attending is from the burgh… why the hell would we drive out to east cabumfuck to race when their are good spots right in our own backyard

why would I go somewhere where when I have a spot where if I get caught I wont get into trouble. i can tell u dont care about getting caught being u gotten something taken away from u already. I race in the liberty tubes or out here in MP thats it.

that’s just like driving all the way out there to race the first time, we didnt know if that was a safe-bet not getting caught, we took a chance. At the time we didnt now anybody that well.

you racing in the tubes is dumber then anyspot besides forbes ave. they have ppl sitting in that area waiting for ppl to do dumbshit.

its like this youre the only one that has a safebond none of US do. so why should we care to race down a place where not many ppl are going ot be racing from that area. youre the one that wanted some but now i guess youre backing down cause its not in youre own back yard

thats what it seems like to me!

we dont need him anyway

nice job sammy :bsflag: :crying: :crying: :crying: :greddy2: :wackit: :stick: :wtf:

I was going to go but now that I know u and ur body odor will be there I think I will just go to the track. As for the comment about me just getting out of trouble down my way well if I like u I can do the same for u. If u guys dont believe me just ask cabby to ask johnny from west newton what happen when me and him got busted.

you don’t like anyone… we are all fucked

I’d respond if i knew what you said in the first sentence.

nope no backing down here I just dont think its worth my time or the chance to race against cars that run 14s. If I wanna play with real cars Ill go get my hawk done and go race stuff thats worth running.

no I like u cupcake

go figure I knew thats what ur response would be

guess what your hawk isnt done

repeat it

ill run the hawk but of course its not done

this went from a fun event to now a pissing match