This country is going to sh!t.....

So what’s next?

VIENNA, Virginia (AP) – A show of affection almost landed a teenage boy in detention.
Hugging was 13-year-old Hal Beaulieu’s crime when he sat next to his girlfriend at lunch a few months ago and put his arm around her shoulder. He was let off with a warning, but the cost of a repeat offense could be detention.
A rule against physical contact at Kilmer Middle School, about 10 miles west of Washington, is so strict that students can be sent to the principal’s office for hugging, holding hands or even high-fiving.
“I think hugging is a good thing,” said Hal, a seventh-grader. “I put my arm around her. It was like for 15 seconds. I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”
Unlike some schools, which ban fighting or inappropriate touching, Kilmer Middle School bans all touching.
But that doesn’t seem necessary to Hal and his parents. They’ve sent a letter asking the county school board to review the rule.
But at a school of 1,100 students that was meant to accommodate 850, school officials think touching can turn into a big deal. They’ve seen pokes lead to fights, gang signs in the form of handshakes and girls who are uncomfortable being hugged but embarrassed to say anything.
“You get into shades of gray,” Kilmer Principal Deborah Hernandez said. "The kids say, ‘If he can high-five, then I can do this.’ "
Hernandez said the no-touching rule is meant to ensure that students are comfortable and that crowded hallways and lunchrooms stay safe. She said school officials are allowed to use their judgment in enforcing the rule. Typically, only repeat offenders are reprimanded.

is peein on someone considered touching?

i hope not.

That is your fetish isn’t it you sicko…:slight_smile:

i just think it’s hilariously awesome.

how about spitting on somebody? i bet i could get away with that

It’s about as ridiculous and the law about not crossing the street while listening to an IPOD.

I would punch whoever made that rule in the face and move my kid to a new school


I would punch whoever made that rule in the face and move my kid to a new school

Dear God,
Please kill all bible thumping, conservative, pieces of shit in this country (with extreme prejudice) before they turn our society into a fucking carnival side show.
Thank You

Dear Terrorists,
Please target and kill all bible thumpers at will.


Yo man, i normally absorb your posts, but that’s just too much.

i’ve heard they are doing similar things at west seneca east, not sure about the other local schools?

When are they going to understand that by creating another rule, especially one that parents are going to discuss in the home that they are openly against. It will only give kids a more rebellious outlook on it. There is by no means anything wrong with affection…
If you tell them not to touch each other, it’s only going to make them want to do it more.
Fuck these people, I think it’s time for their school board to have a public review done by the parents.

Jack, that is a bit much but in an aspect I almost agree with you.


Yo man, i normally absorb your posts, but that’s just too much.


Take it with a grain of salt like everything else

edited to protect the innocent

Can anybody read??? the rule was put in place for a reason. A very good reason, I agree with it but I personally would put my kids in a private school, not because they cant hug but because that school is wayyyy to crowded.

Trust me, as a kid that went to a private catholic elementary school, it doesn’t help us in the long run.

Its weird brainwashing, and we are basically in a bubble when we should be meeting weirdos and getting our asses kicked.

One thing I dont want is my kid being a robot and afraid to do something because of consequences…that rule was created to avoid fights and thats complete BS.


Take it with a grain of salt like everything else

edited to protect the innocent


christ man, you’re gonna die of high blood pressure before your 30s at this rate


christ man, you’re gonna die of high blood pressure before your 30s at this rate


yeah, you never know. I just want to be able to do something where I can say my life was worth it and I accomplished something for the better good… in the least raise some good and solid kids who might make a difference.

so far I havent done anything that fits the above.

wasn’t expecting that response


whatever attitude it takes you to reach those goals, man. it’s good to hear, i work with parents every freakin’ day who just had kids for whatever reason, quality < quantity. not fair to anyone.


christ man, you’re gonna die of high blood pressure before your 30s at this rate


too late :stuck_out_tongue:


is peein on someone considered touching?

i hope not.


its not considered touching as long as you cut off the stream before it hits them.
so you would have to do it in spurts

sounds right…
the only time you see parental involvement is when
their kid told he/she is not allowed to do something.