Playing Tag Banned at School

I just don’t know what to say. Just another example of what a sad state we’re getting to because of the legal system.

Another Willett parent, Celeste D’Elia, said her son feels safer because of the rule. “I’ve witnessed enough near collisions,” she said.


Well, Celeste’s kid is going to grow up with no social skills. :tup:

What a smart idea. Lets take away one of the biggest forms of exercise and energy burning for kids. Then watch these same people bitch that their kids are fat and hyperactive. So then they can put them on meds to calm them down. All we need are more fat over medicated people in this country.

^ but then they can sue McDonalds because their kid is fat, so it’s all good.

These are also probably the same people that back when they were in school always got picked last.

wtf is all i can say to that… dodgeball was horrible enough to watch disapear…

dodgeball didnt disappear…its now “bombardment” according to a few local gym teachers :wink:

ROFL very true

then he will be asking y he cant make friends

Ugh… Pretty soon there will be no recess at all.

my gym teacher just named it LOPONTI-ball… which was his last name…

i remember at wrestling practice they had a “fun” warm up day… but they didnt have any of the gator skin balls, so they used basketballs and soccer balls… it was jammed fingers and welted skin every other throw… fun times though none-the-less

^^ funny you mention that about wrestling practice willybeen…our coach let us play this completely fucked up game, i forgot the name, but it was a mix between dodgeball, team handball, wrestling, fighting and was probably the most intense activity I’ve ever done. :lol: so much fun.

i miss highschool sometimes… its true… college sports… wayyyyyy to serious lol

“i’ve witnessed enough near collisions” OMG. are these people retarded? this dumb woman needs to have a collision down a flight of stairs.

i always loved dodgeball, handball, gym brutality kill the person with the ball, and almost anything else that had to do with roughing people up. and most guys were bigger than me, lol. besides, if u got hurt, it was a good excuse to get out of class.

dodge ball owned back in the day, it taught kids how to be ruthless but also to work together on teams

wow… the next generation is going to be FILLED with a bunch of pussies (at this rate atleast). Shielding kids from scrapes and bumps is only hurting them in the long run


Maybe he’ll like this kind of tag eventually.

Lame how they are taking away so much of childhood because someone “might” get hurt. And then they will sue.

Maybe I should sue my high school because I’m not as smart as I think I should be.

Wait, they can’t play that anymore?

There was a girl on my high school football team. Everyone hated her for it. That is all.


Paging JoesTypeS to tell us how parents should sue if their kids are hurt at school playing tag.