Kid suspended for answer fathers phone call during class

And I might add his father is deployed right now.

what a stupid reason to suspend someone. i wish these morons could for once figure out what’s important in life.

Ummm you guys think its ok for a child to answer a cell phone in school? I don’t give a fuck if the pope is calling - that is inexcusable in class.

Fuck that, schools are finding more and more STUPID fucking reasons to suspend students and thats just ridiculous, his father is in Iraq…hasn’t seen his son in months…and probably has a much higher chance of dying over there than from some random act of violence over here…and he gets suspended for answering his fathers call?! I’m sorry but direct family such as parents over-rule stupid school officials in my opinion…all he had to do was tell the kid to go in the hallway and talk.

i can see both sides…but i think the school should have made a exception cuz of the circumstances

no need for phones in school

at QV if they even see a phone you get a detention and parents have to come get the phone

this is why i like college. you can just walk out and answer it.

still SUSPENSION for answering a fathers phone call. thats bs. maybe like detention or something at the most. but nothing that makes a kid miss more school time.


I do, but not using it during class.

And then what would happen if there was another Columbine like incident?


pretty sure if you hadn’t talked to your dad in months and he was calling from iraq, you would probably want to answer the call. just a guess though.

suspend the kid. and then the kid can talk to his dad more.

zero tollerence. where do you start letting people answer phones? mom’s sick moms not gonna beable to pick you up from school, mom said hi, mom was just calling to tell you that you forgot your lunch money… kid shouldnt have a phone on in school PERIOD.

remember "zero tollerence = zero Intelligence

but the kid shouldnt have the phone on in the first place. i use to take about 3 phones a week off of students in west mifflin middle school when i student taught. the dad should know better then to call him during those hours. (i know he cant choose when to call but he can choose who to call) kid deserves it and so does the dad

1st i am a parent
2nd i was in Iraq twice
3rd i have enough sense to call my son when he is not in school
4th if it was a emergency he called of called the office. they would of brought him in
5th my son has a phone and he he keeps it in his locker and turned off during school

Wrong Wrong And Wrong…emergencies don’t change SHIT…tell me why when i was in school still when 9/11 happened they wouldn’t even tell us that our fucking parents were calling to come and get us out of school…we were forced to stay in school…a building that is a likely target for terrorism especially at a time like 9/11. Had a principal at my old HS tell me that cell phones were used to sell drugs…HA…if someone is going to sell drugs they will do it with or without a cell phone…believe me i know! And lets do a scenario…say someone…a group of disgruntled teens starts a school shooting…there are students that perhaps could dial 911 and run…placing even a 911 hangup call is usually enough…but oh wait…nobody has a cell phone…so even more people have to die because of some stupid ass rule…

if you don’t like the rules home school them…

Kids can deal with not having a phone in school.
Many of use grew up without needing one or not existent. So can they…

I don’t want to hear that shit, i would never keep my kids away from social growth just to avoid some stupid cell phone policy, times have changed and so has the world…there are reasons now for parents to want their kids to have a phone on them, there are even some schools in Pittsburgh that allow you to have your phone as long as its not powered on. This isn’t back in the 80’s when most of pittspeed was still in school and the events of today were no concern to people then.

1st congrads
2nd thx alot i have alot of respect 4 anyone that has the balls to do that and when i get outt HS i plan on being a marine
3rd So do my parents but some times shit happens
4th thats bullshit my gram had a heart attack and my parents called the office and explained that and asked them to call me to the office to call them(at this time my phone was broke Damn Cricket phone) and they waited 2 periods to call me to the office
5th ha ha ha thats what you think