on one hand its a good idea, on the other hand…what 8-12 y/o’s are out without their parents? well 11/12 year olds maybe i can see, but i know i really wasnt allowed to go anywhere without a parent, or an adult being around before 7th grade which made me 11 years old
i think kids shouldnt have cell phones at that age, whats the use? But that’s just my opinion…
its actually a great idea! It makes alot of sense for kids to have - especially when going to school and such. Obviously an 8 yr old should never be away from some typ of adult supervision, but an older child (dare I even say high school student) would take advantage of this.
What? I remember when I was like 5 I was allowed to go out and play with my friends in the neighborhood. Of course who needs a cell phone when your mother’s voice could carry for 3 miles?
when i was in 3rd grade ( about 8 years old) i was all oveR the place on my bike, in the woods, friends houses… and im sure my mom woulda loved to be able to get ahold of me like that instead of wondering where i was getting in trouble.
er what if you’re 8 and need a ride from idk skating er some kind of sport practice?
instead of being able to run up a a bill calling everyone you kno its ONLY for who mommy n daddy put in your phone… not a bad idea at all IMO
id say its a pretty good idea for 8 - highschool. Just makes life easier when the kids at a friends house or out cruizin around on his bike. I had a go kart at about 9 and i was gone all the time, which meant my parents could never find me, which meeant i wasnt allowed to take it out very much cuz they worried too much.
this is what cell phones SHOULD be for kids. They have no reason to have anything else when they are in school and are using them during class to text and play games.
i told some nurse at work about this and she is buying 2 of them for herself and her daughter… she said they only need to contact one another… so no point in having anything different… makes sense, but not worth it imo