Kid suspended for answer fathers phone call during class

the kid did the right thing by answering the phone for his dad in iraq and the school did the right thing by suspending him. sometimes even when you have the best intentions consequences come with it… i think the kid learned a good leason about life. sometimes ur gonna get fucked for doing whats morally right.

I concur.


Ha…so you say…if education was as important as they make it out to be in this country he would have gotten a detention at most.


when my kids are old enough to have a cell phone, they better answer the phone when I call. I don’t care how wrong the time is, they better answer it.

and xlogic - home school kids and no worse off than regular schooled kids in the social growth area. Homeschooling has come a long way, there are tons of programs for homeschooled kids to keep them in a group with other homeschool kids. my brother homeschools his kids and they goto the science centers, museums, airports, etc… for “classes” with other kids. And I know kids will learn more actually doing and seeing the stuff instead of reading it in a book.

I don’t know why the student or another adult figure didn’t communicate with the school ahead of time - explain the situation so that he could have had the phone on him to answer under this circumstance. Communication is key

His father is overseas risking his life fighting for our freedom so that his son can go to school and be safe… if he got a few minutes to use the phone and called his son, by all means that should be excused. Sometimes his phone time may not be “scheduled” and thats the only time he could talk to his son for the next few weeks.

I would be in an outrage if my son got suspended for this… I would go straight to the school board.

There are experiences that you get in a regular school environment that you wouldn’t get when home schooled…yes you can go to science centers and what not but thats not the same thing as being in a class room with fellow students and having a social life outside of the neighborhood kids that live on the same block as you. Home schooling is a great option these days but I was implying more that i wouldn’t home school my own children because of any ridiculous rule such as the no cell phone policy that some schools still enforce around the Pittsburgh area. But I understand where your coming from when you say your kids better answer no matter what the situation is…same way i feel about it…because a parent like you isn’t going to call while they are in school unless its an emergency or a situation where you should not have to give up talking to your child like the father did thats in Iraq…

i didn’t have a cell phone in school growing up. i did fine without it. the biggest problem is if that kid was allowed to use his phone in class because his dad served then would have to allow everyone else to answer their phone too. rules are rules. granted it was shitty that kid had to be suspended but it just shows that everyone is equal. i think there needs be a line drawn somewhere. kids are in school for education.

Elimination of mandatory school attendance would help fix a lot of these problems. The douche-nozzles that don’t want to learn anything can go be degenerates right away, and go flip burgers. That will make education less expensive, and of a higher quality, because the babysitting aspect would be greatly reduced. Then if a kid wants to take a call from his dad, he can step out in the hallway, talk to his dad, and go back to class.

I understand both sides of this.

For sure…both have valid points. Think about kids now…they all think they are soooo important and are texting every 10 seconds…then add in it is easier to cheat on tests and what not. But after the kid explained who called him and why then they shouldn’t have done shit.

i got suspended for the same thing, except it was a phone call from my mom and she wasnt in another country

fair enough. my view is coming from someone who’s not in the military so i’m not all too familiar with how that stuff works.

x2…if a parent NEEDS to get ahold of their kid, they should be able to, no matter the school rules.

I’m not sure if anybody saw this, but at the bottom of the article it did say that the school did not end up punishing him. His mom did fight the school board, and won.

that is cool…but it shouldn’t have never had to go to the board…teacher should have just let it go. Some teachers can powertrip.

i saw that, but i think most peoples argument is in what happened to start out with.

the kid broke the rules and the parent is sending the kid the wrong message by ttying to get him off. like i said sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. how many times as a kid did u need to go to the bathroom and the teach would tell you to hold it but do what you gotta do. in public schools, you can’t be making exceptions… thats the way these liberal aclu assholes wanted it so thats the way it should be. what about the kid who gets a call from his dad in prison? how do say to one kid he can’t talk to his dad because he’s a bad criminal but the other kid is ok to talk to his dad? neither one choose what their parents do.

kids shouldnt have phones in school. they are there to learn… the decision should be up to the tax payers! i dont give a shit what happend at columbine, emergencies… etc etc. society has made kids feel they are way to important. THEY ARE NOT ADULTS, THEY DO NOT VOTE, THEY DO NOT PAY TAXES… time to put kids back in their place and let them know who runs the show.

There it is. No one kid should be treated any differently than any other regardless of where his dad is. If it were that important, I don’t know of many people who wouldn’t have worked it out IF THEY HAD KNOWN BEFOREHAND that the dad may call at any time.
Sounds to me like a family who is raising the kid to believe everything is owed to them and school rules are just “suggestions”.