Kid suspended for answer fathers phone call during class

this is one of many reason why public school and school boards are somewhat of a joke. kids aren’t learning because teachers just pass on the problem on to the next grade. kids arent respectful because their parents go to bat for them even when they are in the wrong.

i’m not sayin private schools are perfect but parents care a lot more when they are paying for it.

His father is overseas risking his life fighting for our freedom so that his son can go to school and be safe… if he got a few minutes to use the phone and called his son, by all means that should be excused. Sometimes his phone time may not be “scheduled” and thats the only time he could talk to his son for the next few weeks.

I would be in an outrage if my son got suspended for this… I would go straight to the school board.


I hate pulling the generation card, but I remember growing up when my parents stood by the teacher when I was obviously wrong, and I’d later find out they thought the teacher was a moron, too. But we were just taught to respect authority. Today, kids are taught to question everything 'cause their parents will back them up with the “not my kid” excuses. Or the “I understand the rules, but they don’t apply to my kid” theory.
And it carries over to when they’re adults. My company is hiring some complete whiney idiots just out of college that just expect everything handed to them; one even brought his mom with him to the interview, and another called his dad FROM the interview (we didn’t hire those two)!

parents shouldnt try to be friends with their kids till they are grown and provide for themselves.

And they can… call the office and have the student paged immediately! And for those of you saying they wont do it immediately thats bullshit, if it is urgent you parent can demand to talk to you right then.

this is stupid.

people that think cell phones have a place in schools are either missing the entire point of education or are simply idiots. I’m sorry, if a parent wants to get ahold of a kid drive to the freaking school and get them… it’s LOCAL SCHOOLING… as in close to home… ya know?

what a bunch of bullshit. I helped implement a device taht effectively kills cellular signals… think of lead to superman’s vision :wink: it’s used for radiology and other functions in hospitals where those signals are truly an issue.

anyway… give it 10 years and these will be all over schools, as they should be.

it would be interesting to see the demographics of the posters in this thread based on the way people responded.

i couldnt agree more.

it would be interesting to see the demographics of the posters in this thread based on the way people responded.

26 years old, male, white, married, live in 3 bedroom house in McCandless, have a six year old dog, drive a 2003 Chevy coupe…what else you want?

seriously… what in the fuck does that have to do with anything?

race, gender and age are of no consequence to logistical thinking.

38 MWM, with one child 13, own a house, what else?

27 swm no kids tow truck driver i voted (kid should have gotten suspended)

Yeah, I agree with him. And the only demographic I’m giving out is that I’m way older than he is and he’s way smarter than I am. And he’d also be the first person I would’ve thought who would love to piss off a teacher with a cell phone, having known him when he was in high school, lol…

i was forming a theory that at some point people 25 and younger were told that rules and laws are good except they apply to themselves. younger folks dont seem to have the same or where taught the same values of kids that grew up in the 80’s and early 90’s before everything went to shit.

the kid was wrong but did what he had to do, the school was right until they folded under the presure and the parents were wrong for not backin up the school. this guy is a US soildier and cant even respect rules in school? Its a shame he is overseas and doesnt get many oppurtunities to talk to his child BUT we haven’t had a draft since vietnam… that was his choice to become a soldier and it was his choice to have children. not talking to ur kid is a consequence of ur decisions. deal with it and respect the school for trying to teach ur kid and do their job. some say it bad PR for the school to stick to their rules and suspend this kid… I say its bad in my eyes to show that you can bend the rules and not have to answer for doing what was wrong…

do you really think if anyone of us was doing 90 on the parkway and got pulled over that any excuse we had would be legit? one person could say their wife is in the hospital about to have a kid and the other could say they have to shit and they gotta get to the shitter… if the cop lets the guy having a baby go but not the shit guy that sending the message that its ok to speed to get to the hospital for the birth of ur child but we really dont care if you shit ur pants.

with that said… the said punishment, suspension for using a phone, is to harsh. it should have been detention in the first place. public schools seems to use suspension for everything, that makes the suspension useless. i could slam someones face off a locker and get the same suspension as someone who used a phone? this is why i say the people running school and school board are useless idiots. you dont punish a jay-walker the same as a murderer, do you?

That one is good. I used to love getting suspended. I thought detention was way worse. Suspension was like a free day for me!

Exactly, I never understood suspending for skipping. They, the schools, are giving the kids exactly what they want it the first place. To not be there.

I’m sorry but thats not true. Back to 9/11 again when countless parents of woodland hills students were not allowed to even deliver a simple “I’m coming to pick my child up” message to their own kids. Sure you don’t want to cause panic during a situation like that but you also do not leave a bunch of innocent children in a likely target for more bs like that. Face it…the rules are bent on BOTH sides of the line.

9/11, Columbine, V-Tech, etc… all changed the protocol by which districts evaluate and modify the rules.
What about a kid answering a cell phone from a co-conspirator when they both plan to blow up the building or shoot up the place?
You can’t use any of the as examples for this incident. This happened with one kid who had nothing other than a father in Iraq.
Cell phones should not be in schools.
He broke the rules. The rules should’ve been enforced. The rule had too severe of a punishment.

Please if someone is that dead set on blowing up a building or shooting it up…cell phones not being present isn’t going to stop even a half ass organized group

And if someone is dead set on talking to their son, find a way to do it within the rules estalished to do so.
Cell phones are a distraction. Many generations got by without them. They don’t belong in schools.