Kid suspended for answer fathers phone call during class

If the kid had the phone solely in case his dad was able to call, then I really don’t think he should have been suspended. Yeah it was against the rules, and maybe the mother should have talked to school administrators to give them a head’s up, but imagine if you were at war, fighting for your country and not knowing what day might be your last and what time you speak to you kid may be the last… and he gets suspended from the school he goes to that’s paid for with YOUR tax dollars because he brought a phone to school so he could get his dad’s phone call from Iraq… fuck that shit.

There are cases where exceptions should be made, and this is one of them.

wow i agree with something darkstar said…:eek2: :scared: :scared:

i do agree with darkstar on this one. but if the kid knew he was gonna get a phone call. a simple “teacher my dad is in iraq and would like to talk to him if he calls” i would hope the teacher would be understanding enough. as long as it was a one time situation.

And many generations got by without guns, they just duked it out with their hands but thats not todays world anymore…get over it and realize this world is changing WITH or WITHOUT anybody agreeing with it.

And darkstar your on a roll…lately i’ve been agreeing with a bunch of things you have been saying :bigthumb:

woodland hills school district < *

and yes it true the guys taxes pay for his kid but what about the 30 other kids of tax payers that get interupted every time this happends? thats why they have the rules.

Pretty much EVERY parent called in on 9/11… the school cant do anything about that other than try to keep order, that is a different kind of situation. If your parents feel the need to communicate with you they could have came and picked you up… I know first hand as soon as I got back from Parkway to Montour my mom was there to get me, my brother and my wife


So when Tommy’s dad calls from Iraq - Tommy is allowed to answer the phone in class

So when Johnny’s cat dies at home - Johnny is NOT allowed to answer the phone in class

So when Jane’s mother’s brother dies - Jane is allowed to answer the phone in class

So when Tommy’s dad just got fired - Tommy is NOT allowed to answer the phone in class

So when John’s brother broke his arm - John is allowed to answer the phone in class

Anyone see the problem here? If you think kids should be allowed to answer a CELL PHONE in class then your a putz. If there is an emergency the parent can call the school and have the child pulled out of class to talk. End of story.

It’s amazing how simple minded some folks are- able to take highly complex situations and smash them down with sweeping generalizations. We should all be so lucky.

I understand your frustration, the mentality of modern youth irks me as well, and at 26, I’m not that much older. This problem is more complex than just respecting authority though. In order to maintain respect, authority must act with diligence and respect. Accountability has become a one way street, and these kids, despite their arrogant and annoying tactics, are helping to change some long standing perceptions.

The recent “government credit card” story has shown something that most of us knew happened, but we now have hard evidence. Government employees buying ipods, undergarments, online dating services and other items on the taxpayers dime.

Some teachers sit in their classroom, pass out photocopied crap from 1983, and run tests through an automatic grading maching, go home at 2:30, collect their paycheck, and call that teaching. It’s time for a shake-up, and I can’t stand the attitude of many young kids today either, but that’s just how it’s going down. This public school thing is about to implode on itself, just wait another year or two.

In other accountability news…

Dec 21, 2007

For the 11th straight year, the federal government failed its financial audit, GAO announced Monday, in a widely anticipated finding that Comptroller General David Walker used to underscore the government’s troubled fiscal health.

“If the federal government was a private corporation and the same report came out this morning, our stock would be dropping and there would be talk about whether the company’s management and directors needed a major shake-up” Walker said this afternoon in a speech at the National Press Club.

Accountability can only flow one-way for so long, it’s all going down. Anyone trying to save this ship is polishing brass on the Titanic.

Here we are on April 15th, working to get our taxes turned in on time, mostly to get our hard-earned money back because the government took too much, and they have failed their audit 11 years in a row. Does anyone else see a problem? This cell phone in class is nothing, it’s a symptom of a much greater problem. Anything federally funded/run is a fiscal nightmare, and the Dept of Education is no exception. The rest of the organization will soon follow.

The private school system will win out simply because they have to meet a budget every year, and this public school nonsense has gone too far off track.

Sorry for the book, but to me this isn’t about a teacher, a cell phone, or a school board, but a much larger issue altogether.

What a DAMN good post!! :bowdown:

like the rest of the kids in class are emotionally scarred from hearing a cell phone ring and then gasp …watching someone answer the phone, and speak into it! :eek3:

I sure hope they got those kids some counselors. I mean, I’m sure that the suspension and media attention and all of the bullshit surrounding this has been FAR less distracting to the kids and teachers and everyone than the actual call itself.

I don’t think you are looking at the big picture. If 1 kid is allowed, then they all should be allowed. And if 20 kids cell phones are ringing in class - then yes that is a distraction. Your thoughts will not persuade my opinion - sorry.

To me, that’s all this is. Sooner or later, we could all blame global warming and higher oil costs on it, somehow. The kid broke the rules. The parents thought it didn’t apply to them. That pisses me off. Rules should be followed or changed. Cell phones are a distraction. Texting especially is out of hand in the classroom. They don’t belong there. /my input.

Yes, we need to program our children to blindly respect authority figures and to never question them. :hsugh:

That’s my entire point. An authority figure or government worthy of respect and honest service is different from the one we have today.

JFK encouraged people to question and disagree with his administration when things weren’t nearly as bad as they are today and we all know how that went.

um… Forget about the whole war thing. His dad was essentially at work. The kid should be suspended and the dad should be hit with a hammer for being a moron. Your kid is in school to get an education, not talk to you.

all this respect shit is lame. The kid needs to respect that his ass needs an education and he will get that education if he focuses in school and not worry about his cell phone.

This whole issues does not happen if he follows the rules of no cell phones in school.

I may not be an adult i may not vote but i pay taxes so take the they do not pay taxes out of your statement

they are kids they dont have the right to question authority!thats the difference between adults and kids! thats what the fuckin problem is. no one can say anything to anyones kids. back in the day you did something at johnys house and johny’s mom ripped u a new asshole… now they’d be sueing johny’s mom.

It all boils down to every generation is more pussy status than the last generation. Think about your dad or uncles…or someone your parents age…they always tell you that you have it easy now and you are a pussy compared to them back in the day. Then I am willing to bet their fathers and uncles told them the same shit. Fact is there is some truth to it. I can even see a difference between my “generation” and younger brother’s…and he is only 8 years younger. I can only imagine how big of pussies my kids will be or if I ever have grandkids.

its funny you say that because even back in high school i saw a big difference between my class (97) and the class right behind mine.

shut the fuck up you know what i meant smart ass. shouldnt you be in class texting someone.