Kid suspended for answer fathers phone call during class

Shoot the kid then everyone whip out their cell phone cameras!

It all boils down to every generation is more pussy status than the last generation. Think about your dad or uncles…or someone your parents age…they always tell you that you have it easy now and you are a pussy compared to them back in the day. Then I am willing to bet their fathers and uncles told them the same shit. Fact is there is some truth to it. I can even see a difference between my “generation” and younger brother’s…and he is only 8 years younger. I can only imagine how big of pussies my kids will be or if I ever have grandkids.

People were definitely way “tougher” back when they were hunting and gathering for survival.

wow this thread exploded with major faggatory.

That’s b/c most of the people posting in it are somewhat young, hence all are pussies

i had a cell phone in h/s although that was before everyone had unlimited texting so really i didnt talk on it until after school anyways but it was still on incase someone had to get ahold of me if something happened.i couldnt really call anyone anyways since we were all still in school :bigthumb:

granted not every kid is going to do that and the no cell phone rule thing makes sense. but i think there should be a rule something like being able to have one on you but if your caught talking on it or texting there should be a punishment. maybe im taking your phone and your not getting it back until your parent comes to get it or detention. suspension is harsh for this i think. getting a few free days out of school for talking on your phone proablly appeals to some kids like it or not.

if i was in class and my dad was in iraq, on the road, or just havent talked to him in weeks/months i would have answered it too and explained my situation. if they wanted to suspend me fine but i would have talked to him as well especially since the kid didnt know what he may have needed or what news he was calling to tell him.

exactly, talk to ur dad and take the punishment for breaking the rules… if i had explosive diarea you damn well better believe i’d park infront of a yellow line, fire hydrant, handicapped spot, etc… and take the fine in stride rather than shit my pants.

be a man use your sock.

What about someone like me who is in high school. I’m learning to fly at butler which is about an hour from school. I’m aloud to leave early on days when i have a lesson. what if its canceled and i don’t know? how am i supossed to know if i don’t have a phone so my instructor can call me and tell me?

without the phone i get out early… drive the one hour to my lesson and find out ints cancelled. phones CAN be nesecary in school.

last time i checked it was called voice mail?

I agree that most kids today are assholes, but that mentality you describe is what led to principals making girls undress in his office and other related BS.

By your rules a 16 year old “kid” or “student” should nod his head and agree if and when the secret service comes into the school to abduct or kill kids of the wrong skin color, or those wearing turbans, or those who are wearing crosses around their neck. You get the point.

The reason Nazi Germany got out of control was because people stopped questioning authority and decided to go with the group, and it spiraled out of control.

Do we have way too many kids today that are total faggots who cry to mommy and daddy who bail them out of situations that should have rightfully landed them an ass whooping? Absolutely. Is blindly following leadership the answer? Absolutely not.

Questioning the cell phone rule isn’t a major issue, but retaining the ability of the citizens (who are forced both to pay for and attend public schools) to question rules in general is very important.

The public school system already forces us to pay for their definition of “education.” The same system requires kids to attend 180 days/yr and tells them when and where they can piss during the day.

I agree that previous generations tougher, but they also got a slap on the wrist for sneaking alcohol or a knife into school or a school event. The knife probably wasn’t even a problem then. Now either one of those can land you with a mental health history worthy of zero employment for the rest of your life and counseling for at least 2 years. The whole system is going to hell in a handbasket, who cares about the kid and the cell phone, that’s nothing.

been there done that. git that shirt…no phones in school

Wow, people are retarted…The things people do these days crack me up. They must not have a heart.

you totally took what i said wrong… there is a difference between doing what ur told and questioning authority. kids now a days dont listen to anything they are told to do because they take that phrase totally wrong. if the teacher tells you to strip naked obviously you dont do that but if the teacher tells you to get off ur cell phone thats a reasonable request. if the teacher tells you to stop talkin in class, sit back down in ur seat…etc… all that stuff is within reason. I was always taught when i step in that school that teacher take over the boss role the parent has and you better behave.

I agree that most kids today are assholes, but that mentality you describe is what led to principals making girls undress in his office and other related BS.

By your rules a 16 year old “kid” or “student” should nod his head and agree if and when the secret service comes into the school to abduct or kill kids of the wrong skin color, or those wearing turbans, or those who are wearing crosses around their neck. You get the point.

The reason Nazi Germany got out of control was because people stopped questioning authority and decided to go with the group, and it spiraled out of control.

Do we have way too many kids today that are total faggots who cry to mommy and daddy who bail them out of situations that should have rightfully landed them an ass whooping? Absolutely. Is blindly following leadership the answer? Absolutely not.

Questioning the cell phone rule isn’t a major issue, but retaining the ability of the citizens (who are forced both to pay for and attend public schools) to question rules in general is very important.

The public school system already forces us to pay for their definition of “education.” The same system requires kids to attend 180 days/yr and tells them when and where they can piss during the day.

I agree that previous generations tougher, but they also got a slap on the wrist for sneaking alcohol or a knife into school or a school event. The knife probably wasn’t even a problem then. Now either one of those can land you with a mental health history worthy of zero employment for the rest of your life and counseling for at least 2 years. The whole system is going to hell in a handbasket, who cares about the kid and the cell phone, that’s nothing.

I agree. We shouldn’t ever advocate the “sheeple” mentality.

We basically agree, it’s just that when you said kids don’t have a right to question authority, you mis-spoke.

And there are an unfortunate number of those who didn’t make it back. Just because you did doesn’t mean a thing.

No Cell Phone…No Voicemail checking…Call from the school before departure? An hour leaves a big window for that voicemail to be left AFTER he leaves. Someone lock this thread already…it’s obvious that there are two sides and neither is going to give up the argument

not to be a dick but you have no idea what i did or done. i lived in a medical hospitol for 2 years having sujuries. i have mental issues flash backs i took some BS job cause of my mental status…trust me i know people didn’t make it home. i have friends that didnt make it home

the difference between me and you is that i lived what you think you know about

I went to Iraq 3 times so i think i know a little something.

so go cry about the cell phone to someone else. the best part is that you though Terrorist were going to take at woodland hills highschool.

i have done things you couldnt even understand.

ask your buddy chaz the amount of drugs i was on. hell i thought my car was a mobile drug store

In case you didn’t remember you’ve told me a few stories on AIM. And never did i once say anything about woodland hills being taken by terrorist…i said its was a VERY STUPID idea to keep innocent young children in a building that would be a more than likely target for such acts like terrorism. Nobody is crying about anything, and your right…you know a LITTLE something…just like the next person…but even as rough as you may have had it…someone has had it much worse.

And i’m sorry but the current generations are going to keep getting worse…its sad but true, and cell phones should be the least of anyones worries…this day in age a cell phone isn’t needed to collaborate much of anything with wireless net access in pretty much every school and some phones even having built in alternate sources of communication that aren’t even dependent on cell phone radio waves.