Kid suspended for answer fathers phone call during class

cell phones help creates text bullying in school, that leads good ole fashion shootout like the ok corral. except it’s a one sided game.

ha ha ha that wasnt the response i was expecting lol that was harsh but im guilty im one of the little ass holes that txts in school sorry OLDS

the current generations are not more pussy than older generations, they may have different issues and problems but that’s about it.

I do not know when my kids will have a cell phone but I do know that if I am calling during school hours, it is way more important than some retarded class they are in at the time.

Wow…do you even comprehend how stupid this post makes you look?

xlogic has a man crush on cell phones. any thread that peeps the word cell phone, he’s all over it.

I’m glad “Logik” is someone elses name on this board :hsugh:, and no…i admit…i have a problem with authority…i dislike cell phones and the companies that sell them, almost as much as i dislike dealing with the general public…hence i will never work retail again

Originally Posted by 77rednecktruck
I do not know when my kids will have a cell phone but I do know that if I am calling during school hours, it is way more important than some retarded class they are in at the time.

Wow…do you even comprehend how stupid this post makes you look?

His post doesn’t make him look stupid at all. Are you saying that whatever emergency situation his family is in that’s requiring him to yank his kids out of class is less important than whatever today’s lesson plan happens to be?

I heard once that Alquida or however the f you spell it was specifically targeting western PA high and middle schools :rolleyes: if you really think they were going to target a highschool in Western PA, you might be retarded.

I went to school on 9/11
I went to work on 9/11
I lived…GASP

I was shocked when the rubble from NYC didn’t affect me in anyway shape or form.3

BTW, schools have pay phones, and you don’t need any money to dial 9-1-1. So you still really don’t NEED a cell phone in school.

Just real quick, the reason they didn’t want to let this kid get away with answering his phone in class is because something like 20-25% of the kids in that particular school have a parent or relative in the military serving in either Afghanistan or Iraq. Therefore, the idea of “well, if 1 kid gets away with it, everyone does” really does apply here.

I have 2 cousins, 13 and 15, that are like a brother and sister to me. They both got cell phones last year. 6th and 8th graders do not need cell phones in school, and I really don’t think they need them at all. I fought tooth and nail with my aunt about them not having them. Now, all the sudden, they have them, they don’t answer when needed, and the bills are outrageously high.

I think I made a point when I had a major issue needing to contact the 15 year old, she didn’t answer, finally I somehow got ahold of her through another friends parent, went, picked her up, and after we got everything sorted out at the hospital, took a sledgehammer out of the car and smashed that fucking phone right in front of her.

Cell phones are not a end all be all solution or problem. They still require the person who owns/operates them to make the decision on what to do, so it still comes down to the person.

People need to set rules and if they are broken, then there is a punishment. No what ifs, no oops, no nothing. Things would just be so much more simple and effective that way.

kids having phones makes it a lot easier for kids to lie to their parents where they are… if i was somewhere that i shouldnt have been back and the day and my mom had to come seek me out… i was in for some shit no doubt. i’m sure if i had a phone i would have lied and no one would thought twice about where i really was. giving kids phone are giving them the impression they have some importance and more authority than they really have. i think if you pay ur own bill and are 16 with a licence, thats when you should start having a phone.

tru that! Caller ID was the devil back in the day.

Fuck yeah…it put an end to my prank calling days

haha reminds me of the time my boy got a micro cassette recorder and he prank called people and had it on tape and we were listening to it and his dad came in and smashed it off the wall.

LOL! Same EXACT thing happened to me…

haha reminds me of the time my boy got a micro cassette recorder and he prank called people and had it on tape and we were listening to it and his dad came in and smashed it off the wall.

Jerky Boys impressions ftw

this is frank rizzo, im gonna rip your nuts and feed them to your dog tough guy :rofl:

lolz @ the people trying to rationalize why this kid should have been removed from school for bringing a phone so that he could get a call from his dad in iraq. His cell phone wasn’t distracting anyone. Wasn’t hurting anything at all.

Darkstar has spoken…close thread?

there’s a serious amount of self-righteous sand filled vagina in this thread.

whats the use of rules then? kids get away with too much shit… i dont care how insignificant the rule is …its still a rule.

yea thats what i mean. if the kid felt that it was something really really important and he had not talked to his dad in an extended period of time i dont blame him. i would have done the same thing.

if the kid got a call from his friend standing in the hallway wanting him to come out of class thats different. thats just retarded and he should get in trouble.

bottom line is the kid had a semi valid excuse for being on his phone and it should have been dropped. its not like he was texting his girlfriend in another class or anything. i have no idea why this is even such a big issue:bash: