Kid suspended for answer fathers phone call during class

OMG…one more time for the slow people who think “skool es retarted”…if there is an emergency call the school they can get your kid. You’re probably going to have to talk to someone in the schools office anyway Einstein.

OMG…one more time for the slow people who think “skool es retarted”…if there is an emergency call the school they can get your kid. You’re probably going to have to talk to someone in the schools office anyway Einstein.

Do you think that maybe this is going to take a bit longer than a direct call made to your child?

Only if you consider 3-5 seconds a long time. Really…the secretary takes your call, hits the PA button and calls the kid to the office.

You cant get your kid or he/she cant leave on their own without going through the office anyway…so not sure how you’d save any time. And if the teacher sees a kid on the phone its most likely going to be confiscated (thats our policy).

Only if you consider 3-5 seconds a long time. Really…the secretary takes your call, hits the PA button and calls the kid to the office.

You must work in the world’ most efficient school district. I somehow doubt that this would’ve been accomplished in 3-5 seconds at the high school I went to (MAYBE 3-5 minutes, on a good day). I also doubt that 3-5 seconds is the average time this would take in most average school districts; the pillar of efficiency you work for must be an exception.

You cant get your kid or he/she cant leave on their own without going through the office anyway…so not sure how you’d save any time.

If there’s an emergency situation that requires 77rednecktruck to call his kid at school and interrupt his or her education, I’m sure it’s important enough to bypass his kid going to the office and checking out. Any reasonable school district would understand this; if not, I’m sure they’d be made to.

And if the teacher sees a kid on the phone its most likely going to be confiscated (thats our policy).

Ahhhhh, TavisB’s agenda becomes crystal clear now. :wink:

really this conversation is irrelevent to public education but rather effective parenting and control… i think the point is that a parent should teach their child to understand phones have no place in school unless it’s the parent calling the child, which in that case is a serious emergency.

i mean really… anyone that thinks a kid should have a phone is probably someone that knows that effective parenting is required and assumed. I’d send my kid to school with a phone with the understanding that they would never use it unless it was to call me or me to call them.

there are too many shitty parents that rely on public institutions to teach their kids morals and ethics… that breakdown is what causes these garbage rules to surface… if everyone was accountable for their kids it would be a different world.

I refuse to take responsibility for my actions and wrong doings when there is a perfectly good govn’t to place blame on and assumption that they should be teaching my children all the general common sense rules of life.

really this conversation is irrelevent to public education but rather effective parenting and control… i think the point is that a parent should teach their child to understand phones have no place in school unless it’s the parent calling the child, which in that case is a serious emergency.

i mean really… anyone that thinks a kid should have a phone is probably someone that knows that effective parenting is required and assumed. I’d send my kid to school with a phone with the understanding that they would never use it unless it was to call me or me to call them.

there are too many shitty parents that rely on public institutions to teach their kids morals and ethics… that breakdown is what causes these garbage rules to surface… if everyone was accountable for their kids it would be a different world.

Good post.

i wasnt going to mention this example at all but i suppose it might help prove my point a bit better.

back in my sr. year of highschool my best friend lost both his parents at the same time. i wont go into detail how this happend as its not the best sounding situation but i will say it was beyond traumatic for everyone.

it happened while we were in the last pd. of the day and it was gym class. i remember when he aunt called him when we were sitting on the bleachers. now should she have called the office? i dont think so if i just got word that something like that happned i would call the most direct line to get ahold of the person i could. if he didnt have a cell phone then i could understand. he did though and thats what got called. he didnt have a ride to his house so i left with him and once the situation was explained our principal ended up letting me and 2 other people have a few excused days to help him out.

which backs up my point that if there is an emergency such as this one cell phones are a good thing and for something along the lines of an emergency such as this then the rules need to be broken. just my .02

Ok I seriously don’t play the “I’m in the military, give me special treatment” role but that’s the biggest load of bull sh!t I’ve read since I looked at some used toilet paper.

The mother went to the asst. principal before hand to make sure it was ok, and it was. then when he does answer the cell phone he gets in trouble? Yeah, that’s the last thing I’d want to hear if I jsut spend 3 hours waiting in line to get on a phone to call back to the states, got to a phone that actually worked, and then had my son pick up and say “call me back, I’m in class”

All you people who say the school district was right, I want to see what happens when someone in your immediate family goes to Iraq, or if you go yourself. Calling back to your loved ones are one of the few things that help you keep your sanity and not come back with ptsd. You think that’s corny, but it’s the truth.

To you people that say “oh zero tolerance, blah blah blah.” allright then fine. enforce zero tolerance. say a student breaks out and has a heart attack/seizure/stroke in the middle of class. A student breaks out a cell phone to call 911. oh wait no. that teacher needs to stop that student. screw the kid in need of medical attention, he/she is not breaking the rules, you need to stop the kid using his cell phone and wait for someone to run all the way down to the school office/nurse to call, because you can’t use a cell phone in school!

there is an exception to every rule. No matter what. This is an exception.


you faggots sound like total faggots going on and on about “Zero tolerance”. It was TELEPHONE! The kid didn’t hurt or bother anyone. The MAXIMUM amount of distraction this kid could have possible caused was “RING RING… Sorry classmates, it’s my dad, calling from Iraq. I’m going to take this out in the hall”…


and what happend when the kid gets his friends to call and pretend they are his parents… or what heppends when someone impersonates a parent to lure the kid outta school? what happends in those two situations? all it take is it to happen one time and something horrible to happen… I think having to physically check your child out of school is for their safety regarless of the circumstances. This isn’t like when my parents were young and they could walk home for lunch. there should be parents and two secondary people allowed to check your kids outta school and thats it.

What happens when you present ridiculous situations in an attempt to discredit a legitimate argument? Your riduculous situations don’t outweigh the benefits already presented, and you end up losing the argument.

and what happend when the kid gets his friends to call and pretend they are his parents

Oh no, kids may get to skip school. We should definitely make sure that this doesn’t happen, at the expense of keeping them from receiving critical, emergency family information in a timely manner.

or what heppends when someone impersonates a parent to lure the kid outta school?

What an absurd thing to post. I’d hope that a high school kid would be able to understand his or her parents voice. What happens when someone impersonates the parent and lures the kid out of their home? Or out of the mall? Or out of their job at McDonals? I guess we shouldn’t allow anyone to have a cell phone. The danger of luring is just too great.


why was there any distraction? why didn’t the kid just have it on vibrate and just walk out during the call?

obviously none of us were there, so it’s pure speculation… the fact that it escalated to national news means something happened. if a kid walked out on a teacher they get sent to the principal, not put on national news and debated over… so lets not take speculation to the point of creating conditional truth.

if it was handled as it should none of us would have ever known it happened… and that’s my point

zoooooooooooooooooooooooom zoooooooooooooooooooooom

its not a rediculous situation. i’m talking about kids… KIDS… not teenagers. And incase you never watch the news… young girls get lured outta their homes… having to have your parents check you outta school is a fool proof way that it atleast doesnt happen in school. yes kids should be smart enough that they dont fall for it but they arent and it does happen so there needs to be precautions taken.

my post was in response to the topic of having to check you kid outta school, not calling ur kid when they are in class.

pfffff we used to do this from the pay phone IN the school back when i was in highschool… it doesnt take a cell phone to be retarded!

its not a rediculous situation. i’m talking about kids… KIDS… not teenagers.

We’re talking about teenagers in this thread, as we’ve been since the first post.

And incase you never watch the news… young girls get lured outta their homes…

What’s your solution, ban houses?

having to have your parents check you outta school is a fool proof way that it atleast doesnt happen in school. yes kids should be smart enough that they dont fall for it but they arent and it does happen so there needs to be precautions taken.

You feel that it’s worth it to keep another human being from receiving critical, potentially time sensitive information in a timely fashion since their is a minimal change that they may be “lured” into the hands of some evil predator just waiting for a change to exploit their weakness caused by cell phone possession. I feel that it’s not worth preventing another human being from receiving critical, potentially time sensitive information in a timely fashion because someone “might lure them outside” imitating their parent and calling their cell phone. Does anyone else think this whole scenario is just a bit silly?

pfffff we used to do this from the pay phone IN the school back when i was in highschool… it doesnt take a cell phone to be retarded!

Clearly we need to ban pay phones for maximum safety.

your an asshole…the topic has expanded past the orignal post… that happends in intelligent conversations incase u’ve never experience one before. my point was, you can;t protect them from being lured from their homes but to keep it from happening in schools is a simple solution. Its up to the parents what happends to their kids outside of school but its up to the school what happends to them in school.

the people for cell phones are all argueing what happends if someone shoots up the school…THATS the problem, not cell phones in school. what is a cell phone call gonna do? they should be making sure that never happends then you can cross that excuse off the list of the need for a cell phone in school.

again my comment was directed to the person who said the school should let a student leave without the parent signing them out… not about someone using their cell phone in school. If a student uses a cell phone or pay phone to make a false dismissal call it wouldn’t matter if u require the parent or secondary contact to sign them out. If the situation is that dire, then maybe the school should have someone on their staff whos job it is to take a student to where they need to be. That eliminates fake dismissals, the need to the parent to have to leave the dire situation… etc etc… Of the things school boards waste money on, paying someone to transport a kid (who would obviously be distressed in a situation like this) to the emergency destination would be money well spent.

your an asshole…the topic has expanded past the orignal post… that happends in intelligent conversations incase u’ve never experience one before. my point was, you can;t protect them from being lured from their homes but to keep it from happening in schools is a simple solution. Its up to the parents what happends to their kids outside of school but its up to the school what happends to them in school.

So banning teenagers from having cell phones in their high schools is THE solution to keeping children from being lured out of class and victimized by predators? Outstanding.

the people for cell phones are all argueing what happends if someone shoots up the school…THATS the problem, not cell phones in school.

Then why are you arguing?

what is a cell phone call gonna do?

Let a 17 year old kid get to the hospital in time to see his grandfather one more time before he dies…get him family critical news right away with no delay…or simply let the parent communicate critical news to his or her son or daughter with no interference, no translation, and no delay.

they should be making sure that never happends then you can cross that excuse off the list of the need for a cell phone in school
