This guys is damn serious - time cube.

i guess im random. im not here for anyone to like me. i dont think you have anything against me. and sorry if i didnt back up gravity thing. quantom physics should inform you. but its a theory. theories are not right or wrong. i might be ridiculous sorry. thats me i might contradict something to get you to lean. but ill try not to anymore

and btw franchise? who makes real money someone who bought into francise or franchise itself?

i buy my gas from local vendors some things im limited to but ill try my hardest not to give money to big business. and i dont drive much walk/ride bikes more. also im working on a scooter/moped in garage. last one i built made over 150mpg with my big ass on it

energy i make some at my house but i couldnt supply whole house off the grid. we grow plenty of food on limited space and store extras. someday i will be totally off grid but it takes time. as does everything. i limit times to use power and im building solar panels to help me cut from grid. i like tech thats my biggest downfall. and tech takess power so i have to run numbers and have backups for my off grid life style. when local power goes out i can still keep house hot/cold and have unning water some people rely on grid to bring these things. but i know its hard to understand me and sorry if my ideas/thoughts pisses you off. i guess if i could compare to someone check this guy out.

and nobody is perfect