This has to be the dumbest ticket ever.

My fathers friend got pulled over this morning and given a ticket for having a hitch/ball ball in his trucks reciever without a trailer attached! :rofl

He drives a dead stock 07 Ram 1500, and is a normal looking dude. WTF kind of bullshit ticket is that? He wasted 30 minutes this morning sitting there to get a $50 fine and court fee. He also said that the cops are cracking down on trailer inspections/regies’, trailer lights and aparently the fucking ball hanging out of the hitch.

seriously, are we that broke as a state, or is there nothing better going on for the cops to do?

Not really, it is illegal to drive around with a hitch in a receiver with no trailer attached.

yes we are THAT broke. I had no idea it was illegal to drive around with a hitch in the receiver though.

We need new license plates though. Cops can’t see them.

a friend of mine got the same ticket a few weeks back. pretty sad IMO

Ridiculous. Ri-fucking-diculous.

Yeah I heard of someone getting that ticket as well. Sucks!

Fucking Rotterdam court jacked me out of $150 since apparently I missed a court date back in 2007(???), had to take care of that last week.


The only way I can see them saying its illegal is for “saftey reasons” IE you rear end a truck with a reciever still in it could do more damage. BUT if you rear end a truck that fucking bad where a rciever ball punches you in the grill, you have alot more to be worried about! And fuck your shins, pay attention when you walk behind a truck!

This brings up the question, how far can they go? Are the little 3rd brake light reciever cover things illegal too? How about the bike carriers that go in a hitch? Would they be illegal if they were in the hitch with out a bike on the rack? How about the 3X4’ wide steel cooler carrier thing you can put in the hitch and strap shit to? How about the foot step you can put in the hitch to help short old people get stuff out of the bed?

I am calling him now to get the infraction number and ill look it up.

I just talked to him and I am looking up the law now. He also said that the dmv started something about trailers. If you register the trailer, you have 2 weeks to have it inspected, or the system will automaticly mail you a fine. Isnt there a “local DMV expert on here” I thought I remember seeing that in someones signature.

I think it’s spelled out as illegal in the law in NY. Some guy told me when he saw my hitch in a parking lot.

<3 VA. Dont kill people, dont steal, and dont speed. Enjoy your guns and trailer hitches.

I dont see how they could just mail you a fine. Whos to say you’ve even used the trailer? just because its registered doesnt mean it has been towed down the road.

My boat would be a perfect example. I registered it over two weeks before even getting the thing out of storage.

If I get a fine in the mail I’ll come unglued…

Then why register it? If your using it on private property and it doesnt see the road, why gets plates for it?

Thats ridic. Never heard of that ticket, nor did i know that it was illegal. Will not stop me from leaving my hitch in the truck, I’m FAR too lazy to pull it out each time i use it.

Seems like a stupid law, where’s the reasoning behind it?

I do use it, had it out yesterday in fact. I was just saying that because you wrote about having two weeks to get a trailer inspected after registration or you’ll get a fine in the mail.

I registered mine and didnt even see it for over two weeks because it was still in storage and I didnt have time to get it out, so if I got a fine in the mail I’d come unglued and lash out on some DMV worker…

does that make sense? lol…

oHH I GOTCHA. I dont know if I can trust the source, thats why I was hoping someone who knows dmv could clear it up.

So when women drivers rear end you in a parking lot they dont get a reciever hitch stuffed through the hood into their intake manifold.

thats rediculous!

i got nailed for an unsafe lane change out of the 24a tolls last weekend. The cop bitched at me b/c i was in line waiting and moved over to the far toll lane with no cars in it. Said i shouldve waited in line. Upon exiting the toll I then had to merge over 4 lanes to get on the northway. I merged like a normal driver, not hammering down or cutting people off, and i got nailed by him. He made it sound like it was illegal to change over 4 lanes after a toll booth. WTFUCKINGFUCK NYS

loooks like im goin to pull the hitch off my truck…

its getting to the point where its gonna be cheaper to try to out run them

Switch lanes with candy paint drippin off the frame = illegal.

Isnt that my hitch… and can I have it please!
