This is just fucking sick.

Turbo rotary, with headers, and pistons, and all that.

That shit sounds epic…

sad day for black folks… whomp whomp for us!! stupid New Jeresy guy!!

Im going to grab his black card just now!! lol


Wtf is the point of a roof spoiler? It looks like shit :S

Downforce man. That thing puts out massive amounts of power.

lol never seen that video either. made him look like a dumb fuck. who let him in at the car show lol

lol…i just realized that their is a taurus with custom body kit and everything near where im living in scotia right now…ive got to snap a pick of it makes me laugh everytime i see it…its got that crazy two-tone paint two that changes colour

I was reading some of the comments of the related videos about ricers and in like most of the comments people say anythin Honda or VTEC is a ricer… I was thinkin of saving up for like a 95’ Si hatch and then swap the engine with a B18c and other stuff for like my first project car. I know it’s a lil FF 4 cyl. econobeast but is it that bad?

^^uh oh wrong site

Lol I asked a whole bunch of people here if a 240sx would be a good first project car and a bunch of people said get a Civic hatch cause it’s easier to drive and stuff, I’d need more experience.

It would be my *first car, I’m only 16.

Still open to a s13 coupe, they’re the best ^^

But people say no D:

my first project car was a 240…i found it really easy…its a bottemless pit of money but its easy if u have money, and getting a car cause its easy to drive is a dumb idea

“American-made rotary engines do have headers and pistons” LMA0

you guys ain’t seen nothing yet.

you ready?

and this one is just funny because of the contrast…one end of the spectrum to the other!

i took both of these pics but they’re YEARS old.

the side pipes arnt soo bad but wtf is with the roof wing

ahaha apparently that mustang wasn’t THAT rare…here’s another!

on that note, some fool in my office building has a G35 coupe with a GT-R badge…LAME, but not as lame as the mustang

What if that mustang really has like a RB26DETT in it or somethin’? It could be super fresh and you wouldn’t even know it :wink:

Wouldn’t be rotary then.

I saw a Hyundai Tiburon with a GT-R badge on it a while ago. I have the pic on my phone which I have yet to upload.

was it black?? LOL
i saw one 2day on HWY7…