This is not the DROID you are looking for.......move along

The WebOS development scene has BLOWN up since Palm released their SDK. In the 5 months it’s been out (the phone, not the SDK - the SDK has been out like 3 months)…there are 282 Homebrew Apps (apps NOT in the catalog), 500+ phone themes (which completely change the look of the OS), like 100 tweaks/hacks (haptic feedback, onscreen keyboard, etc.) and 257 apps in the official catalog (some of which are also in the Homebrew section - slightly different versions or provide more functions because they are not free). There is plenty of development backing for this phone and I’m sure the Droids will have a similar result.

And as far as customers, it’s because half the population that owns iPhones doesn’t even know there is other phones just like it out there. Their friend has one and it’s better than their basic flip phone, so they get it. It’s fanboism at its finest. I gave credit where credit is due. The iDont is a good phone, but it’s not the best option out there. There is a bunch of phones that do exactly what it does, some even better in some regards (like the Pre, with it’s card functionality). When people see my phone, many of them go, “What is THAT!?” and when they see the cards, image quality, etc. they are blown away. And so they should be. Are some parts of the iDont better than any other phone? Sure. Are some parts of the Pre better than any other phone? Sure. But the iDont is DEFINITELY not the GOD of all phones. Absolutely, positively, it is not.

By the way, I love the iDont monicker lol. Nice marketing.