This is what happens when you don't serve a drunk cop

just because you are still 13 and still think the law hates you just because they can doesn’t mean it is true.


I’m sure I would have done something had I been there, as I think most people would have. However I’m sure that the bystanders were probably either friends or aware that he was a cop, and probably unaware they were on camera… which I’m sure would make anyone hesitant.

definately saw this before. seriously, if the opporitunity arose to break a chair over a drunk cops head and stop him, how could you pass that up? Fuck I could only wish to be in a situation like that. He was fat and sloppy as hell. Any sober 150lb guy could have fucked him up

honestly wouldnt be thinking about the jail time. He was hitting her really fucking hard and she fell on the ground and he was still hitting her. I would honestly be worried about her life or possible long term head trauma at that point. IM pretty sur eanyone with any sense wouldve jumped in. And they wouldnt be able to go soft on hijm it was on camera man. Noone woulda been able to get the judge to go soft on him for that one. No way, hes goin away for a while for that one. Seems to me like ur just trying to start shit when rly most people on this site would proly have done something. Lets start a poll if its really gonna be a question.

I’m just saying, 99% of this site would have done what the people did in this video…
The guy was 6’2 250lbs…and most likely had a gun on his belt.
I would not fuck with that.

I’ve been in situations like this…and honestly i bet everyone in that video was like “fuck I shoulda did something” but when it’s happening, you are so shocked… you don’t know what to do

I wouldn’t have been in that beat ass place…

some of you guys in this thread are plain ignorant.

yes hes a cop, off duty or not, if i saw this happening, i would have done everything i could to stop this. its on camera, so you can prove you were defending that lady.

cops like this, that think they are invincible, or above the law. make me fucking sick. My mother worked internal affairs for the erie county sheriffs for 20 years, she has told me countless stories of officers, and sheriffs doing so many illegal, and plain disgusting shit. i hate fucked up cops.

ya i persoanlly am not like that and i highly doubt 99% of this site woudlve done nothing. And i dont think i see a gun on his belt at all. And do u seriously think he would shoot someone off duty? what would happen to him then? just a slap on the wrist that u are convinced hes gonna get neway for assaulting a female?

I work at a bar… and If I saw a buffalo cop start wailing away… I would no nothing to get involved.

I’m sure they knew it was a cop, they don’t want to get involved. It sucks to say but the last thing I want to get involved in is a fight with a cop, because it might all get tossed back on you.

Dude… someone drunk… they do stupid fucking things. I’ve seen it all. I wouldn’t put it past a drunk person to pull a gun on someone.

All I can say… is THANKFULLY there was a camera there, or he would have gotten off completely free

im sorry maybe u guys just have different viewpoints or values than me. if two guys were fighting id be like o whatever two dumbass drunks and i would let em beat eachother senseless. But i am not going to watch a woman get he face beat in by anyone. I dont care who the fuck you are. Im not watching that and just letting it happen. I could never see myself just letting that happen.

I’m incredibly small and would at least try to get in the way of him hitting the girl. You don’t have to beat the shit out of the cop, all you have to do is get him to stop beating the shit out of a girl. Men should not hit girls, It is supposed to be taught to you by your dad that you never hit a female ever, no matter what. If you get in the way and protect the girl it is just one more person he assaulted and more book to throw at him, maybe if your lucky more change in your pocket.

Looks like a restaurant in the video. Any of the cooks I’ve ever worked with would have fucked this guy up instantly. Trust me from experience, even if you say something threatening to a waitress the biggest guy in the back of the house knows about it and is watching you.

Then you would find yourself in jail. I’m not getting into details, but you turn a blind eye when cops are in

So you wouldn’t step in when a woman is getting her head punched in by a huge guy?

Turn in your man card. You’re pathetic. That woman could have been killed.

perfect time to see if breaking a bottle over someone’s head actually works or not

A huge guy yea. I’ll stop that. A COP no.

Not interfering because you might get cuffed too is absolutely absurd. She could be in a wheelchair for life because you were a pussy afraid to sit in a cell for an evening.

A night in a cell… in this city… yea right

this debate will never end. some of us would step in some of us wouldnt i guess. i wouldnt be able to watch that and just stand there, NEVER

never is right. might just be the way i was raised or whatnot. there would be no way i could just stand there.