Chicago cop BEATS Female bartender!

I was just watching CNN news here at school, i’m not sure if somebody already posted this…but the security camera video is out everywhere…

Apparently a male off duty Chicago cop was at a bar, and he ordered another drink. The female bartender said “you’ve had enough” and refused to serve him.

He then proceeded to come behind the bar, and i swear to God i looks like she should be dead…constant punching her as hard as he could in the head, and when she was on the ground and out of convenient reach, he started to kick her violently…made me sick…

I didn’t see the whole story on it, i just saw the news replay of the video…and i can’t believe it…i know that cops go on power trips, abuse their power all the time, rough up criminals on a regular basis for whatever reason…but this is insane…

somebody find the video and post it up in here…

i can’t believe she was able to walk away from that…

and i can’t believe nobody there stepped in any sooner…

saw this yesterday. can’t believe she was alright…he was a big dude… i would have f’ed him up.

i just read the story, and apparently it happened a month ago…i wonder why it’s just surfacing now?

it happened feb 21 but they couldnt locate the cop until mid march. they served him the arrest warrant at his home

Holy crap, watch the countertop shake @ :54 in… dammmn I can’t believe she walked from that.

I can’t believe no one helped her. Fucking pussies!

^^ No shit, grab a chair and wreck that drunks night… especially since it was a female bartender that can’t defend herself jeez.

Anybody notice that she was stepping in to stop him from going after another dude, and that dude just stud and watched it happen, it took him a good minute just to pull out his phone and start making a call. I am trying to figure out who’s the bigger douche, the guy who lets a 115Lb bartender take his beating, or the guy who pounds in the head of a 115Lb bartender. Well clearly it was the cop, but at any rate both deserve to be castrated.

I think he was stepping to the beer taps not the other dude :slight_smile:

Well, I’m sure they all knew it was a cop, I’m sure i would just sit back and watch if i knew it was a cop doing that… As much as it sucks for her… The most I would do is call the police…

Happening spot…3 dudes in the whole bar…looked more like a coffee diner than a bar.

When are women gonna learn? Just give men what they want and nothing will go wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would have cracked a bottle of something over his head. And the other jackasses just watch him beat her.


I can’t believe no one helped her. Fucking pussies!


i can’t believe that guy just fucking stood there and watched a 250lb man beat a woman. I think thats just as bad as what the shitface did.


i can’t believe that guy just fucking stood there and watched a 250lb man beat a woman. I think thats just as bad as what the shitface did.


Thats todays world man. Everyone is for them selfs and a lot of gutless people

how about the proosecutors who thought it was nothin more than simple battery

Well he also lost his job. I think he should face some jail time not because of what he did but he is an officer of the law and should know whats right and wrong.

after that cop was done beating her, someone should have gotten their rape on. lol.