This is why you pay attention when driving

Well after helping a buddy work on his car, Im coming home New Years Eve around six from Batavia. Now theres a silver Toyota Tundra ahead of me. Im doing 60, and the truck is pulling away from me. Well, I come around a corner, and see the truck stopped, immersed in this huge cloud of steam. Turns out the driver of the Tundra didnt see the RV that was backing up into a nearby driveway.

The Tundra ended up hitting the front end of the RV ripping the entire front section off except for the front seat. I pull over immediatly and run up to the rv where theres a man sitting in the remaining front seat. I ask if he needs me to call 911, but i see that hes already on the phone saying “theres been an accident”…etc. Without thinking I run up to the Tundra. Theres two people next to the truck on the passenger side, both of them are saying they cant get the doors open (the truck is pushed up against the gaurd rail :bloated: ) The passengers inside , a man, a woman, and a young girl, are trying to get out on the drivers side doors. Problem is, theres a 200lb front clip sitting over the hood and side doors of the vehicle. I look in the back window, and I notice that the girl is both crying and bleeding from her forehead. Without thinking twice, I grab the front clip (im surprised i didnt cut myself) and with probably one of the biggest rushes of adrenaline Ive ever had, drag half of the front end of an RV off of the Pickup. The people get out, ambulance comes, I make a statement to the troopers and leave.

How the man didnt see a 20 ton rv, Ill never know :gotme:

Pics…sorry for the shitty quality, all i had was my camera phone.

good work. :tup: to being a good samaritan

:tup: def cool of you to help out like that. i bet you felt like superman lol

:tup: to doing the right thing.

Nvm my insansity

:tup: good man.

haha your the true superman not no rust-e fake shit. good job tho mike.

Now you and cuban crisis have more in common then you think.t up

Rumor has it he eats semi-trucks for breakfast, and shits little S-10s by lunch time.

dee dee dee

Glad people like you exist Im hoping you don’t get sued for helping them out of the truck too violently.

should have helped them out with the tailgate slung round ya neck. BALLAA!!!

Good work

nice job…