this kid got the BOOT funny as thread
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thats about as funny as the guy in england I think that is totally against the police and the use of boots for what ever reason. So he runs around in a super hero costum and cuts the locks off the boots for people…lol

I have to find the article on him.

:rofl: :rofl:

I’d torch it off, make it removable. then throw it in the trunk.
park the same spot every day. remove it when i leave. :kekegay:

Its in the YAHOO Jokes section. Im lazy to find it.

:slight_smile: thats a great idea i wish i could find one on ebay

Just hope the Parking enforcement doesnt patrol at night lol…

shag ur sig is the best ! lol

turbo talon sent it to me

i bet theyre out there… personal goal in life #28

personal goal is 50 :kekegay:

:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Someone on there stole my avatar though… :mad:

HAHAHA I saw that and was like “why is Jen on Honda-TECH”…lol

HA! HA! I got a boot put on my car but I took it off and drove away!!!11

Honda-tech has a horrible sense of humor.

def some funi stuff