Ever met a cop like this one?

opinions please.

I used to skate. Me and my friend gotten beaten down by security at Commerce Court at the TD buildings. GREAT place to skate. They took our boards and made us lie on teh pavement! Then my friend hit one with the truck of his skateboard (the metal part that holds the wheels) and we RANNNNN!

Some people take serious offense to this crap. It’s a freestyle artform in my opinion. Truely beautiful anf masterful!

I dont know about you guys, but it is complete luck of the draw with me with cops. I have been let off of the most ridiculous possible tickets ever, without even a warning, but then I will get booked for going 5 km over the limit with a cop who is a complete dick…

Wow, in my honest opinion weather they actually knew they couldnt skate there or not, the cop had no right to be that abusive with the kid. I didnt hear him giving any more lip than was needed. There was a no point any reason why the cop should have locked him like that and taken his board.

Lol and at the end if anyone notices he goes…“is that tape on?..cause i better not see myself on youtube” lol. Well lucky him, im sure he got into quite the problem after his bureau sees that. lol

Parents can’t abuse children or teenagers , but complete stranger police can? i don’t think they should be aloud to do that , thats crazy… I never got into skate boarding… Biking is the way to go :slight_smile: RideBMX

when i was a kid this stuff was sorta routine… always ran, never got caught…
but it was usually minor stuff. and if u were fat, you made sure u were on a bike

14yrs old and already standing up to the cop!!! I wounder if he gives his mother attitude. The cop got piss when he was talking the other kids stop skating to saying they did not see any signs, but the other kid still was skating untill the cop walk up screeming!!!.

I do not disagree or agree with the cop actions!! but some kids need to be rugh up and taken down a peg or two.

Atleast the cop mad him call his mother to explain what happen.

thats bullshit, im all for enforcing the law and keeping public places clean and presentable but the cop had absoloutly no right to treat him like that. the kid gave no lip (beyond what is a normal reaction) and hte cop goes off. i hope that power trippin bastard looses his job because he is the picture perfect example of abuse of power and authority.

He should of told him the tape was on, you are allowed to video tape cops as long as you tell them you are doing it. Maybe he would have calmed down.

That’s why I’m ganna keep a video camera in my car this summer cause Montreal cops are towing cars for “illegal mods” when there are no illegal mods. Someguy got a 150$ ticket for his STOCK clear corners on his S14!!

no way i woulda got hit my a cop first, and not hit him back, especially if its on tape of me just standing there saying dude, i woulda fought back!! and that kid made NO moves towards the officer!! that cop would lose that lil car as well as his career!!

oh the days when we would go skate till security guards came. sometimes it would be 5seconds. sometimes never. so much fun

friggin pigs
i dont care if the kid is 14 or 19 like myself.
you can’t be a complete stranger, regardless of authority and grab a kid by his throat and expect him to obey you. thats fuckin BS man.

That was all over Digg.com, apparently the cop did not see the end of it .

I think more punk ass kids need treatment like this.

Just my opinion.

I think that cop needs a punch in the face. Cocky mother fucker

i love cops

Alot of cops are punks, but then again you can run into cop who will smoke a spliff with you. But that cop sure as hell does’nt have the right to do that.

isn’t that assault?

if this were real, why would the cop let someone videotape him throwing a kid to the floor? doesnt make sense to me…

Right on!

Cop is completely right, he was teaching the kid a little lesson in respecting authority and elders. If more kids were treated this way when they were younger by their PARENTS, the cop wouldn’t need to do this. We all skate boarded as kids, go kicked out of places. We just left when we were asked to, thats all this kid had to do, leave.
