:Rolls eyes:


good for the punk

Good for the bastard (cop). There is no reason he had to raise his voice or make physical contact with the little kid. When you’re 14 years old and a cop tells you to stop skating… chances are you listen and walk away because you probably don’t want your parents finding out. It always worked for me at that age. So as far as i’m concerned, it could have been handled better by both parties, but the cop is still clearly in the wrong.

I’d be pissed to if i had scooter around in that parking meter attendant car

That video is old, I cant believe it was JUST turned into that police dept.

Cop was a dick, bottom line.

wish i was there for the whole thing. not just what the video showed. Who knows the cop could have asked them 10-15 times to stop skateboarding. but then again maybe not. When i was 14 i never listened to the cops. we always ran lol.

Yeah if I was a cop and asked some kids to stop skateboarding and they ran off, that’d be good enough for me.

Skateboarding isn’t a crime :rofl: i remember my t-shirt.

I skate therfor i am :rofl:

Sure the cop was being a dick, but I can’t blame him. I’ve noticed the attitude from a lot of younger kids today, it’s sickening. They just need a good old-fashioned ass whooping, but nobody wants to do it anymore for fear of being sued, losing their job, child abuse etc…

We’re so politically correct it makes me want to vomit.

your also 130 pounds, I’d tell my female 13 y/o cousin to whoop yer ass just for the fun of it.


Actually I’m 145. I may hit the weights and gain a few pounds, so that could change. Unfortunately for you, being a douchebag is a permanent part of your nature.