Ever met a cop like this one?

the cop used his authority in a negative way and took advantage of it. yes the kids maybe should not have been skating in those areas but if you ask me the cop took things a bit too far which didnt seem necessary.

power tripping cop

Yes the cop should not have grab the kid, but the kid was rude!!! The cop told my name is s( nick) not Dude the kid call him the name again!!!.

Tell me guys if a kid younger than you start mouthing off and disrespecting you, you would not pull the kid up!! or drop a hand or two. lol

When I was 25 my little brother 17 thought he could stand up and give me lip,lol. He thought wrong knock his ass out!!! GIVE RESPECT!! YOU GET RESPECT!!!.

I see too many kids swearing at their mothers in the malls,because they can not get the toy they want.

Anyway every action there is a reaction!!!

The kid will think twice of disrespecting a person in a uniform. You may say whats wrong with word dude? I dear anybody to go to court and call the judge dude or anything else, and see what will happen.

that happened to me and my frined last year…
we were snowboarding at richmond green and hitting the handrail and security came up and kicked us out. we forgot to grab my shovel and when we went back the guys took the shovel and wouldnt give it back and gavce us alot of shit for it … =((((

honestly though we’ve smarttened and we dont board in public areas during the daytime anymore. guys doing in the day is just too bait anbd all it does is piss people off and get all the good spots skatestopped…

the cop didn’t have to be like that, if the kid would have actually been swear at him and calling a pig or something then maybe, but gettin that pissed and pulling power trip over dude… i dunno seems like a small thing to blow up over. yea sure respect, but it’s a fucking pig and i have no respect for pigs.

little kid’s shouldn’t be swearing at thier mother’s yes, but if thier mothers would have raised thier kids right, maybe they wouldn’t be swearing at them. i never swore at my mom.

in school we use to get beat on all the time by the older kids, then when i hit highschool and it was our turn to beat on lippy little kids, we can’t touch them, were bully’n him. they lip us off swear at us and shit and we can’t do nothing. so really it’s no more the parents fault then it is the school, with this no tolerance towards beating on kids, how can u teach them respect, get them after school and u get charged by thier parents(happened to my buddy).
no matter what these punks are going to be lippy, with us, police and thier parents.

i say let them skateboard, as long as there not in the way or hurting anyone who cares. i personally am not a skateboarder, but for those of you that are, mad props!! takes skill to be good!!

oh yea,
that really proves a lot.

Give respect to get respect,

so instead of sitting him down and telling him that shit like that doesn’t fly,
you gotta knock his ass out

just like when i see parents hit their kids at walmart or the bus stops because the kid hit their brother/sister.

yea thats really going to teach them

no offense draggone, but thats a really stupid mentality…
this is exactly whats wrong with the world…

it all comes back down to power…

80% of people in the thread are against the cops reaction
20% are for

and a side note, that officer was suspended from the Baltimore police department for unnecessary force.

Suspended with pay. OH NOES.

Dude definitely is not disrespectful. Informal for sure, but disrespectful is calling the cop a douchebag. There’s formal ways to be disrespectful, too. I did laugh my ass off when he said I AM NOT A DUDE.

The best part, is there’s nothing in the law that says you have to be respectful to the police. For sure it’s in your benefit, but as long as you didn’t do anything wrong, and YOUR FRIEND HAS IT ON VIDEO TAPE, you’re in the clear.

x2 Completely agree

my fav part was at the end where he goes “is that thing on? I better not find myself on yout----”

then the video cuts off


thats what ihate more then anything about pigs, no matter what they do, they don’t even get punished. they gave him a paid vacation for doing something wrong.

in my town, a cop drunk behind the wheel, runs over a chick, killin her. he turned in his badge, so the court looked at that as a punishment. he’s got 2 years house arrest. how does that make any sence??

he broke two major laws, and being a cop, should have known better so his punishment should have been worse then that of a regular person in my eyes. just another way to show that our legal system is fucked right up.


While the officer was mostly out of line, kids these days are SO disrespectful towards everyone. I joke around and crack jokes, and pick on people, but it’s 99.9% in jest and I know when to shape up, and refer to someone as sir, maam, etc, etc. There is a reason most of these “brutality” videos are with skater kids, because most of them are disrespectful trouble makers. Sorry to generalize, but just what I’ve seen.

heres another video of this guy :slight_smile:

thats funny. just another small man with a badge that feels he is invincible.
i was actually giving him the benefit of the doubt after watching the frist video.
but the second one shows a pattern. crazy angery little fuck isn’t he.
