This Snow

please dont salt. if people are to dumb to realise that we live in a snow belt and are not prepared buy getting a good set of tires then let mother nature deal with them.

but those retards are going to wreck into me. :smiley:

:rofl: yes ur right, fuck me getting paid to do something, fuck me having more money for my bills, gosh.

besides i dont plow city streets, i have accounts of parking lots, and a housin plan. id rather not get sued b/c some old lady slipped and broke her hip b/c i didnt go out and salt the shit and not worry aobut that,

1977 pick up vs. some nerd in a little suzuki reno, you dont got nothing to worry about :smiley:



hicktruck vs. shalerpunk

nothing here

just looked out the windows… oh noes!

Normally I’m not too excited, but my toddler has been asking to build a snowman since she saw the first flurry today! I’m hoping for enough to make that happen!

on the other hand this will be my first winter with RWD since 95 (and first one without a winter beater in almost 5 years) To top it off my rear tires are bald and I’m not planning on picking up a set of snow tires until after Christmas (or after I’ve bought every piece of Dora the Explorer junk available)

Going to the game tonight, going to freeze my arse off, but I can’t wait! Love Steelers football in the snow!!! :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :steelers:

Snowing a little bit here, but nothing to write home about. Up around Meadville got around 5-6 inches I heard.

I fucking love the snow! I just got my big ol winter tires on toady as a matter of fact and i can’t wait to get us some inches so i can go joyriding. DD FTW!

I havent driven in snow yet, this is gonna get interesting shortly :eek:

STFU you crybaby

me ?

good luck!!!

Yeah, it snowed pretty good up here. Still coming down but real light.

This snow sucks I just go home from Los Angeles yesterday and no its snowing grrr

luck was against me this morning…went out at 715am to take the civic to school for a 8am presentation and the clutch master cylinder failed. I had to pump up the tires on the accord and pull the car cover off and take it grrrrrr… hopefully no salt on the roads yet for my drive from moon to wexford. piss on pgh weather

i love it too i just can’t get my damn truck into gear