well if he says novemeber you were fixing problems.
that is true. atleast they got fixed
never, ive always had et streets now hoosiers out back
these will get very warm driving down the highway everyday goin/leaving work.
sweet :tup:. they look better on your car then they do in your dining room.
well last night i did a lil more work.
couple problems
- the nitrous switch doesnt fit/connect properly to the carb as show below, the carb arm doesnt push the switch arm enough when WOT… ill end up putting a lil piece of metal on the arm on the carb it self, this will cause the arm to push in the switch enough for the spray. not a big prob, but still sucks. In the pic the carb is WOT.
- I got the wheels/tires on the back, after some hammering, but i cant put it on the ground yet because my axle is crooked because of the beat bushings, and now im waiting on UPR for the weight jackers that i ordered, this will put the axle straight in the car and not cock eyed. but i do have to say this tire/wheel combo is badass.
haha nice as hell man
shit looks real tough the way the tires just bearly stickin out…keep up the good work
damn that looks hot
let me know if you want help. I can hand the tools to ya lol
deal sat morning meet me at the farm…
wont be home until sat night.
no RPM graph? :gotme:
:wtf: x 2
new hood looks badass.
out with the old:
in with the new:
tomarrow im alighning the hood and finish bolting it up, along with the other lil crap i gotta do, then hopefully get it out for some action.
ok. whats the difference?
looks good :tup:
needed clearence, and its clean. and a bolt on
Bigger cowl on that beast. The car is looking pretty damn good. Keep up the good work. :tup:
Larger cowl = more gayer