those of you with girlfriends...

man i’m glad i’m not 18-25 anymore

“Stupid” doesn’t age-discriminate. :lol:

i didnt read thorugh any of this thread bu i use the “hey arent u from Tennessee? cause ur the only ten i see”

its too bad you didn’t also not post in any of this thread, because that sucked.


“was your a mother a beaver… cuz DaaayyyyuuuM”

^^ at first glance it looked like you said does your mother have a beaver cuz dam

does your gf still have that little mole by her vag

sort of related… WNYer’s will understand why this is so funny to me.

before my wife and I were married Billy Fuccillo himself felt it necesary to hit on her while she was at SOHO with her friends and I don’t know what he said but her best friend Molly called me the next day to tell me she asked him to go away but he did not, she got annoyed and said “Shut up and go away… oh and my boyfriend is David Basil and his dealership sells more cars than you so stop saying your 'huge” because your not." I couldn’t believe what Molly was telling me until she told me Colleen (now my wife) was pretty drunk at the time and yelling this as loud as she could. I would have liked to hear his pickup line but talk about a kick in the balls.

My wife rocks.

:lol: Huge fucking blap!

not all women are whores

just 99.9 percent

everyone has their price.

lets face it…your dads dick wasn’t the only one in your moms mouth.

I love when you post.


:word: she gave me my first BJ when I was a Toddler <3 tell her I said thanks again!!!

lolz, case and point

let’s be serious here though

even mother teresa’s probably gone through a few guys to get where she was.

its the butterfly.
If you love something let it go, If it comes back to you

it probably has herpees now.

LOL you have aids bum bum bum bum!

I barely remember that…i was likely drunk. Who was I talking to and when/where was that…do you remember?

you can still drink like you are when you come up, you old fart

Baby, if you were my girlfriend you would never need toilet paper again.

heh heh :lickout: