Thought I'd give TDi a try

Picked up a new daily from “autohaus” on Thursday. I drive a pretty decent amount, so I thought I would give TDi a try. I was really torn between the Golf, Jetta Sportswagen, and the Passat. Obviously the JSW won. It needs a few things ASAP, like Moar low and to lose the freaking DRLs, however those will have to wait till the garage is all done. Other than that I am really content. The interior and stereo are actually nicer than I thougth they were, and I am by no means a Sunroof Guy, but the Pano roof is an option I really like.


Oh i approve :slight_smile: With vag you can disable the DRL’s

I keep looking at the sport wagon.

Wagons :tup:

This wag00n is really only cool in white+tdi…you did well :tup:

I never understood why people hate on DRL’s


It’s because you put very little value on the aesthetic of a vehicle.


This has got to be heavier than a golf that gets what…40?..what kind of MPGs have you been getting??

Brendansi has the same car :tup: he loves it and the gas mileage

Awesome choice even in color! The stereo/speaker combo in these are really nice. You will be content especially going from the bedless S10 to this. :tup:

It’s not like it’s a terribly good looking car to start with…

I need to lose the DRLs on my car, but not for looks… for stealth…

Did you trade in the BMW for this? A small part of me has always wanted a TDI.

I like it X. It’s a good match for your needs.

No, this is a “work car/daily” for him.

looks great! keep us updated on the mods and the MPG’s


:tup: When do the wheels turn black?

Thanks for the compliments guys. I still have the 335 as Jeller said, and I actually still have my truck too, but I think I’ll sell that once the garage build is all done.

Agreed, and agreed. It sucks when the cop notices you because you have those lights on.


Nice car. The only two things you should really look out for with this platform is the high pressure fuel pump (HPFP) going bad, which is somewhat common, and the intercooler freeze problem, where ice builds up in the interecooler, melts, and hydrolocks the motor. Other than those two, these cars are pretty strong!

Nice! It looks good.