reading comprehension please…i’m not debating quality of private schools…i’m debating the quality of public due to private schools
if you don’t think public would get better if all kids had to go to them your kidding yourself.
you don’t think that if there were no private schools the rich would demand better from the fed & pubilc school system?
there are pubilc schools in pgh that don’t even have enough book so kids can take them home to study & do homework… WTF is up with that
2nd…the reason taxes are so high in some area has a lot to due to services offered to students within the school…speech, math, special ed, etc…
3rd…if you live in they city you can send your kid to a different public one then the one in your area.
like i said…its a combination of parents & schools who are failing out children & the system.
when a teacher has a 50 min class & spends 20mins disciplining them & only 30mins teaching thats a problem from home…
when a teacher has to follow the no child left behind shit & your child misses out on a real learning experiences… thats a problem from the fed.
we can go on & on & on.