you’re kidding right? ‘college’ kids are a step away from living at home with mom and dad… when you are ‘full time’ medicare is handed to your parents and to the kid free until mid twenties. As far as seeking personal coverage companies jump at kids with the lowest rates possible. I’ve been through it and paid for my own coverage for a long time… so i assure you that ‘not affording it’ and truly not affording it is a matter of opinion and at that level of life, it is the easiest and cheapest way to get coverage.
also… reducing overhead income in the medical field will not drive up the standard of care… you have to be out of your mine that if you restrict someone’s earnings they are going to be anything than bitter or pissed…
tax the medical field to reduce advancements in technology… that thought alone asks me to question motives and logic… what is the point of reducing technology? also, how is taxing going to help people not price gouge? Take away their money and expect them not to seek more… ?
end socialized meds… tax the medical providers yet still give handouts to people that ‘can’t afford’…isn’t that the problem to begin with? Identifying the ‘can’t afford’ line in the economy and in households? and isn’t that deviating from the master plan being laid out?